Friday, July 27, 2007

The Wild Blue Yonder

My plane is supposed to leave in 4hr 58 minutes....scheduled to leave, but we ALL know how things are with Southwest. Did you know they announced today in the WSJ that they're going to allow laptop users to download movies to watch? They must be planning on sitting on the tarmac for quite awhile.

I feel so fresh and invigorated when I arrive in Vegas.


silleeg said...

Is flying back and forth a drag or are you okay with it? Not like there is a better option right now.

Leslee said...

It sounds like all the joy of sitting on the 405 at 8:00am. Is it stressful or are you able to take it in stride. I'd die of an ulcer if I had to commute the freeways.

Tracy said...

Well miracles of miracles....I just checked and it seems that Lewis's flight (the one that precedes his and ON TIME. They departed on time and are only coming in from Phoenix so he just might be on time himself tonight. I am headed out the door to make the trip to get him.YAY!!