Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nursery checklist

Next month Paisley will be old enough to go to nursery alone. Paisley and I are frequent visitors to nursery now because she can't stay in Sunday School and instead of wandering halls we go into nursery. We thought receiving a checklist for entering nursery was so funny. It includes a list of how to prepare Paisley for nursery as well as symptoms and disease that would disqualify her for attending nursery that week. We just had to share this!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Headed to Laughlin to run a half

Lauren and myself and her friend Brittney are headed to Laughlin today. I am running their half marathon tomorrow. I ran a 10k last week and did a personal best by almost 3 minutes so I had high expectations for this week. However, I've picked up a bug. YUCK. I have swollen glands, lots of congestion and a low grade fever. They give you 3 1/2 hours to finish tomorrow, so I will treat it like a long slow training run and finish, collect the finishers medal and call it good. Guess the next personal best will have to wait for Salt Lake.

The blog sure is quiet!! Where is everyone? Steph....can you tell us about your surgery? Did you notice the mark or did your doctor? Caitlin and Jonathan have both had some really bad sunburns and I worry a lot about them. Any tips or suggestions for what to watch for?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

If you want to brighten your day check out the smith blog and listen to some funny baby laughs. It's a guarantee picker upper.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Its official, the byu idaho website confirms that my first and oldest daughter has been accepted fall semester. Woo hoooooooooooooooooooooooo! Can you believe it, she will finally relax and perhaps might even enjoy the remainder of her senior year now that the waiting is over!

She will welcome any mail, congratulations, tips for packing and other assorted learned wisdom.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How Precious

Sorry, couldn't figure out how to rotate Mialee's picture.

Monday, March 19, 2007

This is preaty neat.

I know Carleton was in the Navy, so he might enjoy this.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fun With Cousins

All the girls came to Mom's house for her birthday and some of the cousins got to come too. Mialee and Nathan came with Rebecca and Lizzy came with Marti. Paisley had a lot of fun playing with her cousins that are her size, especially baby Lizzy.

Monday, March 12, 2007

My Curtains

I am switching from sunflowers to orange and white....not oranges, just the colors orange and white in my kitchen. I prefer to call it sassy looking, but you may call it retro if you like. :):) I took a piece of orange lace and wrapped it around my curtain rod. Cute and simple. I love them Mom, thanks!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

Brush Those Teeth

Today Paisley got her very own tooth brush. We thought she would like brushing her teeth since she loves to watch us brush our teeth. It went very smoothly. She even helped me brush and tried it on her own. I don't think we will have to sit on her like Shelley did with her kids (knock on wood!)

Crazy Hair

When Paisley gets out of the bath her hair is very curly. Tonight it decided to form one big curl that looked like a wave on top of her hair. We had to capture it on sd card (can't say film anymore).