Saturday, July 14, 2007

I love Wifi

Here we are sitting in the Kansas City Missouri airport on the internet!! We have Jason's work laptop with us and so I am able to post on the blog while we wait for our plane! This is so great! We got a little lost on the way to the airport since we didn't know where we were going, once we found our way back on track there was a bunch of road construction which took us on a detour. That was fun. But we made it with about 2 hours to spare and here we are. Hopefully there will be free wifi in the hotel we are staying at in Orlando and then I can post once in a while. Have a great weekend!!


alwayshot said...

How come none of the airports I go to have free wifi? Are you sure it is free and that you aren't just hacking into their computers systems because you are a blogging junky and can't control yourself?? Hmmmm!

Tracy said...

Lewis seems to always find the "hot" spots too. Now that he has a blackberry it doesn't matter as he has satellite coverage where ever he goes. If he has a phone signal he can access the internet.

alwayshot said...

Blackberries are nice but I would rather use my laptop over my blackberry for accessing the internet any day. Which blackberry does he have and who is the service provider. I have Cingular, I mean, the new AT&T and there wireless internet back where I am at isn't very fast.

Tracy said...

We have cingular too. We haven't had any problems with it. When he is at home, his laptop drills into our account with someone called Baja Broadband. Its cable internet. That is what we had in California and it seems more reliable then dsl or wireless providers. The only thing that I have experienced that is faster is a t1 line and we won't be paying for one of those anytime soon.

Stefley said...

Here we are at the hotel and again I have some free wifi!!!