Monday, June 29, 2009

2 Weeks

I'm not sure how two weeks have flown by but our super cute Jarom is two weeks old! He is so fun to be with. Paisley loves to hold him and kiss him. She doesn't like it when she has to leave him alone when he's sleeping. We have loved the last two weeks and wish we could push pause on his life.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


It was a birthday full of new things: new haircut (I've never had it this short before), new age (can I still claim mid-twenties?) and best of all a new baby!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Birthday Fun

Fun dinner at La Fiesta

Fun Ride in the mini-van
Fun Birthday cake

We all had a fun fun day. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Todays Activities

We had a busy day today. We first had a visitor. Then we took some pictures on his cute Jarom blanket a nice lady in the ward made him.

Later after Daddy was home from work we took a drive to the bank. (I couldn't flip this picture for some reason.) Jarom's fingernails are growing so fast and keeps scratching himself. It is pretty sad!

After dinner and the car trip we made some yummy dessert. Paisley was the pudding stirrer.
Then we took Jarom outside for the first time. He seemed to like it, although it was REALLY hot. We watched Daddy picking up the branches from our tree that had problems during the tornado storm on Saturday.
Paisley was the lucky one to pick our first tomato off our plants.
Jason had a lot to clean up today. He had a friend come over and use his chainsaw to cut down all the broken branches. We are getting them stacked up for easy removal. Our huge tree now looks somewhat naked with all that fell during the storm. We're glad none of them landed on our roof.We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings with pretty princess Paisley and sweet Jarom!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad!

We hope you have a fabulous Father's Day! Sorry we took Mom away but we hear Leslee and David were good to you!! Thanks for being a great Dad full of great advice! We love you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cute Baby Jarom

Life is sure fun with a little bitty baby around. Jarom (NOT Jarome!!!! I'm sick of this already.) is such a joy. He has really mellowed out since his hospital stay. After tons of blood tests his bilirubin has gone down and they should stop using him as a pin cushion! At the doctor yesterday he weighed in at 7lb 6.5oz. He is doing really well and life is happy here!
Jarom's first bath!
He is a good sleeper!
Coming home from the hospital!

On another note, here is what Paisley has been up to:
It's hard being a princess and a big sister!!

My Tie Dye Shirt!

I made this tie dye shirt on Friday! I really like how it turned out!! Here are pictures...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Still at the Hospital

As much as Jason and I want to go home Jarom thinks the hospital is fun so we are here for at least another 6 hours (UGH!) This morning to doctor thought he looked a little jaundice and so he got his biliubin tested and it was too high to pass the go home test. Right now he has to "cook" in the lights for 6 hours and then get his blood tested again. We really hope that by then his levels will have dropped and we can get home.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Jarom

Paisley loves being a big sister, she always tells us that she will hold him a lot.

Trying to get some air bubbles out of Jarom's tumy.
It looks like Jarom might like a binki just as much as his big sister.

Everyone is doing great, we just need to get Jarom nursing regularly so we can go home today, other wise it will be tomorrow.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Jarom Spencer Cornwall

We are very happy to welcome Jarom Spencer Cornwall into our family. He came into our family at 6:10pm after 10 minutes of pushing. He is 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 1/2 inches long with lots of dark brown hair.

Proud Daddy loving holding his first son!
Proud Mommy holding Jarom for the first time.

Jarom has some big feet, which mommy can attest too with all his kicking!
Jarom didn't appreciate all the nurses efforts to clean him off and check him to make sure he is healthy. He has quite a powerful set of lungs!

Our first family photo. Paisley loves being a big sister and is very proud of her "big sister's rock" shirt. She loves Jarom very much. She likes to kiss him, touch his head and hold him with Daddy's help. We are so happy that things went well and that Stefanie is doing so well. Compared to Paisley delivery this was a piece of cake!


Epidural is in and the water is out.

More updates to follow.

The Baby's Coming

We have been here at the hspital now for 6 hours. Things are going slowly but surely. I had one dose of some pill that has started contractions and I am about to get put on pitocin. So far things are good. I'm very much looking forward to having my IV taken out and getting to eat!! Hopefully with the pitocin things will pick up a little fast now! Paisley and my mom are off having fun at the library and are planning a fun trip to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. So far so good... If anything else fun happens we'll be sure to update!

Earrings at Last!!

I finally got earrings!! I waited 12 years and 1 month!!! It was a wonderful and cool experiance. I went with a friend so luckily I wasn't alone. lol. hehe... Miss you all!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cornwall kidlet

So Stef,

Leslee tells me you are naming your son Jonas or Jarom. Jonas after the Jonas brothers? Tell me it isn't true. LOL. Goodluck tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


This year will be the record I will be seeing Vallen! I would have seen her for New Year's, the Family Reunion, and then she is coming down the 15th - 29th of June!! I am glad I can see her a lot. Miss you all!


Sunday, June 07, 2009


Several of you have asked me what I did for my birthday, as well as wishing me a happy birthday. Jennifer took me to Bush Gardens, a theme park for my Birthday.  It was great!  We were able to go on every roller coaster within 2 hours.  There weren't any lines, plush the weather was great! It was overcast and 70.  We had a blast.  Afterwards Jen made me Hot Fudge Brownies.  YUM!!  As the saying goes, It was the best birthday ever.  

Thank you for your calls, emails and voicemails.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Terrific Catch

Muhahahaha...... Friday evening, my brother and my dad were outside in the backyard. A Northern Mocking Bird, accidentally flew into the net we put around the cherry tree to keep the birds out. (hehe, i guess it doesn't really work). So my brother and my dad rushed over there, and caught the bird! Our family REALLY don't like those birds. They dive bombed our cat, which is now gone because our neighbors took him. :( Here are some pictures of the bird getting caught!

A Real Harvest

My mom planted some peas, and they got HUGE!! Take a look.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Jason

Happy Birthday to a super husband, daddy and friend!! We love you so much and hope you have a great birthday!!