Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Interesting Computerized Medical Record Facts

Oh just kidding!! That would be more boring than baseball facts! Been up since 5 am writing a research paper about confidentiality with computerized medical records. Two weeks ago I wrote one on the Privacy Act. So, if you ever wonder if your doctor is doing something wrong, I should be an expert ;)

Nathan had an eye exam yesterday. Poor little guy had to be dilated. It was very darling seeing him wear sunglasses as we did errands afterwards. When he was born his eyes were tested and he had an astigmatism (sp?) in each eye, so this was an annual follow-up to see what is going on. He still has the astigmatisms, but they are not getting worse. Prognosis: glasses when he starts kindergarten just to wear in the classroom.

Mialee had her physical this week and passed both her eye test and hearing test. Most people on the Smith side got glasses at an early age, so we will see how long she holds out. For some reason they gave her the shots she needs for kindergarten, so she is good to go until 2014. Oh well, guess better now than in a year. I did tell her she wasn't going to be getting shots, but it turned out okay because she got stickers!


Tracy said...

OUCH! Aren't stickers wonderful? Glad to hear that the kids continue to grow and develop as expected. Grateful Nathan's eyes remain the same and are not progressively getting "worse". Wow, are you going to school in addition to all the other hats you wear? I didn't realize. I am truly astonished and my admiration for you has increased!! Wonder woman!

Lewis said...

How come you have been writing all these essays. They sound like painfully interesting subjects. I hope you concluded that there is no privacy in medical records. The fine print at the bottom of the acceptance of treatment document that has to be signed includes a release of all information. It is a blanket release that, if they choose, could go back as far as your high school grades or farther. The information is exchanged between health providers as well as insurance companies. If you ever apply for life insurance, be upfront with them because it's very likely they already know or can easily find out. If you've ever been declined for insurance in the past for any reason, kiss it goodbye for the future.

silleeg said...

Your funny lewis! Painfully interesting is right. I have taken 2 law classes back to back as part of my coding certification program. It is wracking my brain... or wacking my brain, either one.