Monday, July 30, 2007

Lewis's plane on time!!

Yep, it looks like the statistics were due for an ontime flight and it finally happened. YAY!


Mom and Dad said...

I'll second that "yay".How was your weekend, Tracy? Sorry that Lewis wasn't feeling well. Have you been back to Walmart since Saturday? We have a Walmart story for you. It has never happened before to us. We were there this afternoon. I bought a few things that I was going to pay for from my "mad money". I put them on the counter and then placed a divider after them. Carleton put the things he was paying for behind the divider. She rang me up and gave me a total. I swiped my card and waited for a receipt. Instead she started ringing up Carleton's things. The short of it is that in spite of the divider she assumed we were together and put our things on the same bill. Hope she doesn't do that very often. Let us know how you are doing.

silleeg said...

Does that mean Dad owes you a refund of some "mad money"? I bet he will buy you a donut at the pilot station!:):):)

Leslee said...

Thank goodness for small miracles!

Tracy said...

Yep you better collect that from Carleton. I am sure he benefits from you "mad money" purchases now and again! How funny and yes, I hope she doesn't do that often.

Yes, I have been back. I worked today from 9-1. I did my computer modules for half of that time and then went out on the floor where I was "trained" by a cute 17 yr old young man named Chase. Everyone kept assuming I was training him and we had to keep setting them straight. He was wonderful and KNOWS his stuff.

I work again tomorrow from 9-2 and have my Red Mountain interview at 3pm. I am REALLY looking forward to this one!!

Tracy said...

Congratulations on not only taking off on time but arriving on time to Southwest! Hope you had a nice relaxing evening at Mark's house honey. Sweet dreams and talk to you tomorrow.