Monday, July 02, 2007

Enjoying St George

Well even though its been a lot of hard work, its also been kind of a mini vacation in some ways. We sure have enjoyed spending time with Grandma and Grandpa and our kids have LOVED hanging out with the Lambert cousins. Its going to really be a blessing to be so close to them. Tonight we went to Blue Bunny for family night ice cream. YAY! It was yummy. We sure do enjoy cooling off from the hot temps. Tomorrow Lewis drives the big truck back to Vegas and Grandma and Grandpa will help him empty the rest of the house and then he will turn around and come back. I am hoping he will stay over night and drive back on the 4th. But he seems pretty determined to hurry back right away. Pray he is safe please.


alwayshot said...

We will Tracy. Although he will definitely be more tired, he could be safer driving on the 3rd and getting off the roads for the fourth when everyone seems to think drinking and driving do mix.

Mom and Dad said...

It was fun for us, and our pleasure to help you with the move. You have a beautiful new home and we hope all the best for all of you. Glad Lewis made it back safely.