Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Yesterday we finally unpacked our last box and claimed our living room as livable space! Now things are looking kinda empty, so we'll start thinking about getting another couch. Later today our new dining room table is going to be delivered so we'll be sure to post that!


silleeg said...

Good job! Smart thinking to put plastic down on the carpet before the boxes were put down. Excited to see the table and your pictures hanging in the guest room. Did I miss that post?

Stefley said...

Yes rebecca, I posted the pictures a week or two ago.

We put the plastic down because the boxes were dirty and the carpet had just been cleaned and because the movers would be walking back and forth on the carpet.

silleeg said...

I saw the pictures of your art work on the floor, but did you post a picture of what they look like hanging up?

Mom and Dad said...

I love the sequence with fewer and fewer boxes until it is empty. Good for you for getting all of the boxes unpacked. That is a real accomplishment - pat yourselves on the back!