Thursday, April 27, 2006

Easter at our house...


Nafen, you handsome boy!!!

Nathan's hat show

What a cutie pie!


Ok, I am going to just write everything he wrote to us.

Dear Mom,

Hey, I arrived safe and sound at the airport. I met another elder, Elder Patterson. I see him now and again. I have seen Elder Sobotka (James' friend from our ward going to Berlin) twice. I miss him alot. We need to exchange schedules. I have received two letters and the package. Both I believe you sent the same exact day. Well, my companion is from Farmington, NM. His name is Tao Zhang Lao (Elder Teare). He is fun and nice. Tao Zhang Lao is 19 yrs old like me. My district has ten total "zhang lao men" (multiple elders). There are two Mandarin branches. Ours has 28 zhang lao men. District A, mine, has 7 going to Taipei, one going to Toronto East, and two going to Toronto West. District B has ten zhang lao men going all over. They entered with me. District C has eight and they are the veterans. I was made the senior companion for this first 6 weeks. We have devotionals on Tuesday. Tonight I will have a fireside. The spirit is so strong. I love it. I was able to be an investigator twice while other zhang lao men taught me and I could not help but feel the the Holy Ghost. The Chinese is hard, but it is better these past two days. My two teachers rock. Di Lao Shi (Brother Dean, teacher) and Chen Lao Shi (Brother Kitchen, teacher) are their names.

They do have an MTC choir and I am going to it at 4:15pm today. Guess who is at the MTC? Brother Allen and Sister Allen. Our old stake president from Hacienda Heights 1st. He is a branch counselor. He could not stop talking about how Dad was a powerful teacher and how you were a great help to Dad and taught lots of strong lessons.

Well you said to write what I need. Supposedly ReNu is calling back its contact solution for some health reason. It was in last weeks district bulletin. So if you could send some of a different brand that would be nice. Also, another towel would be nice. Someone said that mail is 39 cents and I have 37 cent stamps so if you could send some 2 cent stamps or some 39 cent ones that would be much appreciated. Also a longer comb and a shower gel cleaning thing. Lauren has two in her room. Surprise me if you believe I need anything else. I do leaven for Taiwan on July 4th! Well I love you alot, CTR!!!


Wei Zhang Loa

p.s. The gospel of Yesu Jidu (Jesus Christ) rules.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Had his genetic test today and boy was it a horrible experience. 2 1/2 hours, 5 different phlebotimists, including the pediatric unit, and 7 different pokes later, only half the needed blood was acquired. Poor him. He was poked in both hands, both inside elbows, both feet and finally had his heel pricked to get the remaining needed blood. For this test whole blood cells are needed; that is why vein access is best. Blood retrieved from a heel prick usually has broken blood cells. Derrick took him...What a brave dad! Hopefully enough was taken to be able to get a correct result. We will let you know.

Monday, April 24, 2006

No Letter!

I was afraid this would happen. Yesterday at church, the question of the day was "have you heard from James?". I answered them all "NO". The moms of the two missionaries that just left recently assured me I would have my awaited letter on Monday, as they got theirs that day. Well, somehow I just wasn't to be. Sure enough the mail has come and gone and nothing from my son. Part of me wants to write him and chew him out. Then another part wants to call him up and ask what is the matter? I will stifle the "call him" impulse and wait a few more days.

Sigh, tell your kids that they better write you first and write as soon as they can to put you out of your misery when they go on their missions. I started to say something to Jonathan about it and he said...."I know, I know....write you ASAP! Good for him, he gets it.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Easter Continued

This is Paisley's cute dress! She was the star in the Cornwall's ward on Easter. We think she looks very pretty in her Easter dress. And boy, what a cute family! We've also discovered that Paisley loves to sit in a high chair and be up with everyone else at dinner time so that makes things easier and quieter during meals.

Canon A620

This is the newest member of our family! As some of you know our last camera only took nice pictures outside and even then it was iffy so we got a new one! It takes fabulous pictures. So I'm sure the blog will once again become a nonboring thing to look at because we will be picture crazy! This next week is Jason's graduation ceremony from BYU so you can count on a plentiful number of pictures! YAY!

Friday, April 21, 2006


James MTC address is the following:

Elder James Whelchel
MTC Box 187
Taiwan-Taipei 0704
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604

If you write to him through Dear, when it asks for his box number you just put in the 187 and then for the mission code use the 0704 and his estimated departure date is 7/4/06.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

ARGH! I just want a letter from my missionary!

I know its too soon, but geeze I sure wish I could receive a letter from James already. I just want to hear in his words that he is fine. I am sure that he is, but somehow hearing it from him would be really wonderful. Jan did you feel this way?

Not crying or anything....just really impatient for the "FIRST" letter.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Weekend

This weekend we went down to the Cornwall's to play for the weekend. We went down Friday night and met the fam at a place called Peaches. We had lots of yummy desserts there.

Saturday we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific where a lot of you joined us on our second wedding anniversary a year and some months ago. It was very fun. Paisley loved looking at all the fish but she especially loved the bubbles on the top of all the aquariums water.
This is (left to right) Katie, her friend Dallin, Rachel, Jason, Me, Sarah, Dad Cornwall (Paisley is in the stroller)
This is a cute outfit Paisley wore for the first time last Saturday. It was very cute. Pictures of Paisley in her Easter dress are to come at a later time!


Tell us about your Easter with the Cornwall's. Are there pcitures of Paisley in her dress?

Elder Whelchel is winging his way to SLC

Its official, he is on his way. We attended his setting apart last night, thank you Jan and Carleton for making that trip. I know it was a late night for you, but it sure meant alot to both James and his parents.

He ended up having to leave some stuff home due to weight restrictions, so we kept home some of the stuff he will need in Taiwan versus Provo. We will mail it to him either at the MTC or directly to Taiwan. I figure if he already has a weight problem its only going to get worse as they give him more stuff in the MTC. We will see.

Oh yeah, wanted to share one thing if time is ever a concern when writing to him. There is a service called that you access through the internet. If you write an email to James (Elder Whelchel) what ever they receive by noon gets delivered hard copy to him that very same day. You can also send care packages through them. Their service to the MTC is free. Check them out.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Picture explanation

First one is of Lauren and Daniel dressed for prom.
Second one is Daniel and his date Kimberly.
Third is (starting from left) Tracy, Lewis, James, Grandma, Grandpa, Derek, Rebecca, David and Leslee all in front of the Redlands Temple.
Fourth is my father with myself and my siblings.


Important info about James

Ok, we wanted to provide you with some information in case you choose to write to James or send him anything. I have his bank account number if you ever want to give him money. He is with Washington Mutual, so as long as you have access to them, you can make a deposit in his name.

His favorite cookies are chocolate chip, favorite candy is sour patch kids, favorite cereal is any of the following: cocoa krispies, frosted flakes, frosted mini wheats. He also likes old fashioned chicken noodle soup, both beef and chicken top ramen.

We checked into writing and it costs $6.40 to send a regular letter to Taiwan if its under 16 oz., however, if you purchase those aeorgrams (sheets that fold up and seal into letter shape) they are only .75 each. All you do is write on the inside, fold them up and address them. They work for him and for us mailing directly to him.

We have been told that some missions allow the missionaries to receive email from everyone but they can only respond to their immediate family (parents). Once we know what the actual policy is for his mission we will update you.

If you have any other questions....ask, we are very new to this and trying to cover all the bases.

Much love,

Tracy and Elder Whelchel

Blah, Blah, Blah from Rebecca....

I spent some time this morning comparing Mailee and Nathan's baby books. To my surprise both of them were 24 inches long weighing 13 lbs 12 ounces on their 4 month doctor appointment. That is interesting because I have people tell me all the time that Nathan is such a big boy and I always had comments that Milaee was so skinny and tall. And they have basically been the same as babies. Nathan started out shorter and a few pounds lighter but quickly caught up.

Anyway.... we enjoyed Easter in Lompoc. Had a very nice dinner and sat around visiting until about 6:30pm. It was fun to have the family get together. We are doing it again for Mother's day next month.

Our Primary Easter egg hunt went well. Two wards were combined and there were so many children. Nathan hung out with me and Mialee was with her 'friends' as she calls anyone small like her. So now we have way too much candy in the house and chances are high I will be the one to eat it all. :)

My primary kids sang in sacrament meeting and did a very good job. All 8 of them....Our poor small ward. They sang loud and I was told even people in the back of the room were able to hear them.

Derrick will post pictures of our Easter later. I cant figure it out with our new camera. Nathan wore his new outfit from Grandma (thanks mom) and Mialee had a new dress from her Nana. Nathan woke up a somber boy, probably the first day I can remember where his smiles were very few and far between. Oh well, his frowny face is darling too!

Friday, April 14, 2006

5 Weeks Later

Five weeks ago today dad and I were in the automobile accident from which we are still recovering. As each day passes, and we become more aware of what happened, and what could have happened, we feel very blessed to be alive. Maybe being on a mission is what saved our lives.

Anyway, we are recovering slowly but surely. The dr. wants dad to use the cane for another 6 weeks. He is very obedient, which I appreciate, and we are hopeful that no further action will be necessary with his knee. His wrists are healing - he feels the left one from time to time. My ribs must be healing because I can now lie flat in bed and turn onto my right side. I can also raise my left arm a little higher and it doesn't hurt so much when I do my hair. My knee showed no visible signs of healing last Tuesday when it was x-rayed, but the dr. wants me to wear the brace for two more weeks and then have another x-ray. He thinks next time there will be signs on the x-ray that healing is taking place. One of my toes bothers me a little, but for the most part I think they are fine now.

We love you and appreciate your prayers in our behalf, and Stefanie, Leslee, and Shelley who gave us 24 hour care the first week or so after the accident. We hope you all have a wonderful Easter. We wish we could be with all of you!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What is Paisley up to?

Mialee asks about her often. We want to know what is new with her.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today at the Smith's...

Mialee and I sing a song that goes like this, whether this is the correct way or not.... 'Sugar pie honey bun, you know that I love you. Can't help myself, I love you and nobody else'. This afternoon, about 20 minutes after Mialee went down for her nap and the house was quiet, I started singing that song to Nathan. I had just finished ...honey bun, when I heard from Mialee's room, 'you know that I love you. Keep singing Mama.' Very cute.

Our day started with more cuteness. I was playing the piano while Mialee danced to the music. She asked me if Jesus would come watch her dance. I assured her He probably was watching her. That led to her asking me if Jesus had eyes. I told her He did and she went on her merry way dancing. Then it was her turn to play the piano. I stood with Nathan and watched as she told me she was playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and asked me if I wanted to dance while she played. :)

Nathan enjoyed his green beans and sweet potatoes for lunch. A picture of just how much he enjoyed them will be posted later. He has only peed on himself twice in the last 14 hours. All of a sudden it starts raining on his face and makes him laugh. Pretty gross if you ask me.

Nathan got whacked in the head today. One minute he was happy and the next crying. Mialee happened to be near him so I thought I would ask her if she knew why he was crying. She said, "I hit him in the head with his toy." Then she held up the toy and pointed to the red mark by his eye. After we talked about it, she leaned over to him, kissed him and said, " I am sorry Nafan. Now you have a booboo."

That's all folks....

We're back!

The kids and I got back late last night. What a trip. It didn't turn out anything like we had planned. Friday night my mom ended up in the hospital and missed the whole anniversary celebration party. We didn't get the family picture or get to see New York or anything.

The good news, they thought she had a heart attack but they ruled it out after exhaustive testing. They determined she has a (huge) hiatal hernia. She knew she had it, but I guess its the largest they have ever seen. She will need to be followed on it as it needs to be surgically repaired. They believe a piece of food lodged in the hernia causing "heart attack" like symptoms.

Its good to be home in my own bed. I missed the family that didn't come.

Lewis is still reeling from our departure, he said it sank in that James is leaving. I guess since James was with me, I just haven't gotten to that realization yet. After all, I have spent his whole life raising him to do just this. How bad can it be?

Hope you all are fine. Loved the pics of Nathan and his hearing aids.

Jan, I hope you and Carleton are continuing to improve. Anything new with the knee?

Anyone getting together for Easter? James would like to come see the Palmdale people one more time if he can and anyone who just happens to be there that day (Easter). Let us know.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Pictures of Nathan with hearing aides

New pictures of Nathan wearing his new hearing aides are on the Smith Blog. muhuha ahhha haaha
Go check it out!!!!!!!


....has his hearing aids! He got them on Monday and is a new little guy! It is so fun to see the change in him. He is lots louder (if that is possible), all of his toys thrill him 'cause, hey, they do make noise, he listens while I play the piano and sing, he is VERY quiet while Derrick whistles him songs, the TV has new meaning, and he takes turns talking with us instead of never giving us a chance to say anything. :) He doesn't seem to mind them, though the doctor said it is usually not until 6 months that he would have the coordination to pull on his ears. Hopefully by then we will be used to them and won't have a problem there. We were worried how Mialee would be with them, but for the most part she leaves them alone. She calls them his bandaids for his ears. She gets really close to him and then talks really loud.

He continues to love playing with toys and rolling over. He is a proud eater of rice cereal and squash. We call him our sumo wrestler; that kid can down the food!

Mialee has decided it is okay for poo to go into the toilet, so yeah, we are just about done with diapers for her! I will not get up at night and take her potty, so she still is in them then. She is full of new sayings and thinks she knows everything. When it is time for a bath or dinner or to clean up she says: "No Mama, it is not time to....." She got a chalk board easle from her Nana that she is loving. We keep it up in our living room and she frequently tells Nathan to watch her as she draws smily faces and writes letters of the Mialee alphabet. She loves to draw and paint and dance.

That's all. Derrick will post a picture soon.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Boring Blog

This Blog is suffering from the borings. Why doesn't anyone post anymore? What is going on? You are all not too busy to post so start doing it. Especially pictures, we need more pictures on the blog so get to it!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Its almost Easter time!

While at my last race, I heard a beautiful new song about the Saviour and His walk to calvary. The same gentleman who has the sheet music sent me today a link to a website that plays the song. Go listen to it and tell me if you like it as much as I do.