Sunday, July 22, 2007

My new friend Jen

This is Jen on her cruise through the Hawaiian Islands.  If you are wondering who Jen is, you will just have to ask ;)


silleeg said...

Ok, who's Jen?

Mom and Dad said...

She is very pretty.

Tracy said...

Who is Jen...more importantly...who is Jen to you? hmmm?

alwayshot said...

You guys are quick! Jen is quickly becoming my best friend. We are planning on coming to California over the Labor Day weekend to meet people.

Tracy said...

to meet people? Does that mean a meet the family trip? I am soooo discrete don't cha think? What about the family in Utah now? And Colorado? and Kansas?

alwayshot said...

It is a meet the family trip, although at this point it may just be the family in california. Jen used all of her vacation going to Hawaii without me a few weeks ago. Hence it will be a long weekend trip.

Tracy said...

Congratulations on making a "meet the family" trip. I hope all goes well and I truly hope you find happiness Layne. You're a good catch if you just let someone "catch" you! Hugs from St George!

alwayshot said...

Thank you Tracy, I really appreciate you saying that. She is off to a good start, I could be caught before I know it. ;)

Stefley said...

How old is this Jen? And why did we get invited to go to Hawaii also??? Where is she from? What does she do for a living? What degree does she have? More details please! Does she check the blog?

Tracy said...

LOL Stef and I thought I was bad!! But ditto to all the questions she asked. Hey Layne, we will be in California on Labor Day weekend, as I am running the Disneyland Half Marathon, let us know what your schedule is and perhaps Lewis and I can swing by there and meet her before we head back to St George.

Lewis said...

Yes, Tracy, Lauryn and I will be in CA on Sept 3rd and 4th, so we definitely want to meet the new 'friend.' We all love new friends exceedingly. :)

alwayshot said...

OKay, Stef... Jen is 29 and is a Civil Engineer for the Fed. Highway Administration. She graduated with a Degree in Engineering from BYU in Dec 99. She is from Arizona and has been living out East for the past 5 years. As for the Hawaii trip, we weren't hanging out at the time she booked the trip and it was a cousins trip so i wouldn't have been invited even if we had been hanging out; but she did bring back a lot of wonderful pictures.

alwayshot said...

She doesn't check the blog on her own although I have offered to give her the link to it. But we have started reading the posts together so that she can get to know more about all of you and me.

Stefley said...

Oh great now I have to monitor what I put on the blog! Great! lol jk

alwayshot said...

I was just going to say that. No more stories about me!! Well except for the great ones ;). Or you can consider this your chance for revenge, lol.

alwayshot said...

Lewis is so funny. We all love "new" friends exceedingly, haha. It is true though, especially in this case.

Lewis said...

Layne, stand up and move to the left. Jen, please sit down.



1. Where in AZ are you from?

2. I'm very jealous, because I was kicked out of engineering school.

3. What kind of civil engineer type of things do you do?

4. Did you like Hawaii?

5. Did you take Southwest Airlines to get there?

6. Do you have a dog? I make dogfood for a living. Can you believe that? My father and I spent mucho dinero to send me to one of the world's premier research institutions...and I now make dogfood. :) At least I'm good at it.

7. Who is your favorite artist? I like Sargent.

8. What is your #1 most favorite book that you'd be willing to be stuck on a desert island with? I like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

9. What is your favorite opera? I like Don Giovanni.

10. What did you do that last time you called in "sick" at work? LOL (I slept.)

11. Who is your favorite baseball team? I like the Angels.

12. Where were you born? I was born in Boston at a very early age and lived with my family.

13. What is your favorite planet? I like Pluto, in protest to all the non-believers in the world that decided it wasn't officially a planet anymore. As if!

14. What is the most recent movie you saw? I saw the 'Ultimate Gift.' I hate movies, but it was so good!!!

15. (Don't tell me you stayed up half the night to get Harry Potter?)

I have to go. The Angels are down 9-5 in the bottom of the 4th, but the bases are loaded...oops...were loaded....the ding dong first baseman grounded out. Now I'll be depressed.

Thank you for your patience. :)

alwayshot said...

Thanks for the questions Lewis, they are great. i would like to know the answers to some of them as well. Tomorrow after institute when she comes over I'll show her the post and let her type away.

Lewis said...

What institute class does she take?

Stefley said...

Wow She is the most popular post on our blog so far! Kudos to her!! Post a picture of you guys together!!

silleeg said...

Lewis, your comment was so fun to learn those things about you! I had no idea on some of them.

Leslee said...

If Jen doesn't have a dog and wants one, we have one she can have. We're always willing to share what we have to help others! We're going to have to change Molly's name to Boomerang. We've gotten rid of her once, but a month later she came back! And she does eat Lewis's dog food.

Tracy said...

Oh no, Molly is back? How sad! Why did they return her?

alwayshot said...

She is just a popular girl, and rightly so. I will try and get a picture of us together tonight. If I can't figure out how to use the timer on the digital camera I will use the camera on the computer but the resolution isn't as high as it is with the straight camera.

alwayshot said...

I have an idea, instead of us going to Kansas and Colorado why doesn't Kansas and Colorado come to us ;) Yeah for us.

Stefley said...

I'm all for that, are you paying?!! :)

alwayshot said...

Everybody's a comedian!! Will I pay, haha. ;) Right!

Mom and Dad said...

I love this! It sounds like you are all instant messaging each other. Leslee, Boomerang is a perfect new name for Molly. Lewis, you are too modest. You need to let Jen know that you make dog food with a degree in applied physics and a MBA.

alwayshot said...

Don't worry Mom, I already told her weeks ago that he was incredibly smart and has a degree in physics.

alwayshot said...

Okay Tracy, I have been caught!! ;)