Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us to posting tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam

So I have an informal annoucement that Jen and I are getting Married!!! ;) YEAH!!  We aren't officially engaged and that probably won't happen for a month or two but once we do get engaged we only want a 3 month engagement, just long enough to plan it, so we are putting it out here so people can provide any ideas about planning a wedding.  Suggestions of any kind are welcome.  Some of you maybe thinking that we are crazy since we just started dating and we would agree with you, but we know it is right and are so grateful and excited.


Stefley said...

I repeat from the shoutbox Layne! WHAT?

Mom and Dad said...

This post is kind of messed up on my computer - I can't read what Stefanie said, her comment is under the title of the post. But - Congratulations! We are very happy for both of you. Let's talk really soon!!

Stefley said...

YAY! A wedding! Well we all want more details!

Lewis said...

Congratulations, Jen and Layne. I am so happy for you. Marriage brings so joy and happiness and peace of mind. Plus, it's alot less stressful than dating... :) Don't be shy...tell us all about it so we can be excited, too. Let's see, it's the tradition that the bride gets married in her home town, so I'm thinking that's quite convenient for everybody but the bride, in this case!! :)

Will you post an announcement in the New York Times? LOL (I read the NYT's wedding section each week. I've een tabulating data from it since March of 06)

Stefley said...

More Jen Questions:
Do you like scrapbooking? or making cards?

Val said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for the both of you.

alwayshot said...

So it would appear that anyone who has a google ID can post on our blog. Valerie, who is jen sister found our blog online and used her gmail account to post a comment on our blog. So if you are wondering who Val is, she is Jen's youngest sister who is currently living in Idaho while her husband finishes up at BYU Idaho.

Stefley said...

I was wondering who Val is. I clicked on her name but it said she doesn't have a blog! Thanks for the info.

silleeg said...

Congratulations! How many siblings does Jen have and where does she place in the family line up? Is there a date yet or you just know it is happening sometime?

Lewis said...

Hi Val!

Tracy said...

Finally, another sister in law! Thanks for giving me some company Layne. Your effort is much appreciated! :)

Welcome Jen, and nothing but the warmest wishes for a smooth, happy wedding day.

silleeg said...

I am responding to the shout box regarding the ring size: Buy her what she wants now and know she will want bigger in about 5 years and just get her bigger then and be thrilled about it! :):)

Tracy said...

Ok, I am up for a few minutes and have to disagree. I haven't wanted bigger. My diamond is just under a half carat and it was and remains perfect in my eyes! Lewis ended up getting me a second ring for our 20th anniversary, but its even less total weight then my original. Do I love them....YES. Each woman is unique and jewelry and me aren't that good of friends. Listen to what she says she likes and tell her you will take her at her word. Just hope she tells you what she REALLY wants. I wanted Lewis and didn't care about whether I got a diamond or not. I got him AND a diamond. How great is that?!

alwayshot said...

Yeah, I will give her what she wants, and I trust that she will tell me what that is. As long as she is happy, that is all I want.

Leslee said...

congratulations Layne and Jen! I just got to Kansas and heard the news. I have to admit I expected this announcement and was secretly planning on a December wedding, but I think January is a much better choice.

A good reason to buy a new dress!

alwayshot said...

Thanks Leslee, we are both very excited. So you say you expected this announcement huh? Might I inquire as to how and when ;). I must say it was nice to read that though.