Thursday, September 30, 2010

Personal Progress/Song

Hi guys! Sorry, the camera isn't cooperating, so i can't put the pictures on quite yet. I finished another personal progress project. So that will be 3 down, 5 to go. For the one I just finished it was Divine Nature, and I wrote my own arrangement of The First Noel. It is on sheet music because someone in our ward let us borrow their little device! Talk to you later... congrats. aunt jen! :)

p.s: there is now a personal progress online!!! under young women! :)

It's a girl!!

This is at 19 weeks and 1 day (today). I don't normally have that little pooch. As you can see I am not showing much yet.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


sorry... i thought i deleted that post.... i down loaded the wrong pictures!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cake for Ward Talent Show

Here are a couple pictures of the cake I made for our ward talent show tonight! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

This is Paisley after church wearing her new skirt I made Saturday night! She loves her new primary teacher, and who wouldn't when you get to have cute sack puppets like that!

Here is our big Paisley on the second day of school!

Monday, September 06, 2010

About Food!

Well... I made a cake! It was probably my fanciest cake I've ever made. And our garden was a huge sucess... especially with the squash/zuccinni. what ever it was! So, I will try to post pictures on as soon as I can!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Off to School

Paisley is off to her first day of Preschool! She was so excited all morning. She called Jason and got a pep talk from him, (she didn't need it) and off we went. She was happy to take pictures of every little thing.

She was very excited to put on her backpack and head out the door.
In front of school!
Good Beginnings Preschool that way
Here is her backpack hook! Right by the OTHER Paisley in her class hook!! I didn't think we'd ever have double name issues in school with her!
She knew right where to go to get the dolls out and start playing. She wasn't nervous at all. Just very excited to go to school! What a big girl she is!