Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Train

We had Aunt Devera with us from Las Vegas this past weekend. We took the metrolink down to L.A. and visited Olvera Street and had sandwiches at Filippe's (it has been around for a hundred years-literally). It was interesting and the kids had fun. We found an animal preserve in Canyon Country we didn't know existed, so now we'll have to check it out.

Taryn swam well again yesterday. We don't know how she placed, but her time was good. We'll miss the other qualifying meet, so maybe she'll get to swim in L.A> and maybe she won't. At least it has been fun for her.

Has anyone finished the new Harry Potter book yet? I'm deeply entrenched and probably won't get done until Tues. or so.


silleeg said...

What a fun day. Glad Taryn did well swimming. No Harry Potter reading over here, so hope all those who are reading are thoroughly enjoying!

Tracy said...

Caitlin and Jonathan have both finished it. Lauren is busy reading and I refuse to read and just want to know who died but so far noone will tell me ANYTHING!

Mom and Dad said...

Dad and I have been saying ever since we retired that we were going to get on the train and go do what you did. Maybe now we'll do it since you have "blazed the trail" for us. I understand that one can see some of the animals as the train passes through Soledad Canyon. Did you see animals? I am also told, don't know if it is true, that Tippee Hedron, a former movie star, ownns it/started it/financed it, whatever. What do you know about it? By the way, if you have ever seen the Hitchcock movie, "The Birds", she (Tippee) is the girl in that movie who gets attacked by the birds.

Stefley said...

We love taking the train to Olvero street. The mexican restaurants down there are YUMMY!

We want to read Harry Potter but we don't have a book. Can you let us borrow it? I'm like tracy and want to know who dies, but I'm going to try and be good and not find out the ending before I read it this time!!

alwayshot said...

I didn't know I had a bunch of Harry Potter fanatics in the family. That book only came out on Friday. I guess at some point I should watch the movies and then maybe read the books.

Leslee said...

I finished the Harry Potter book on Monday, it was very good, although I think somewhat anti climatic. Rowling didn't close all the loops (wrap up all the details) according to me. But I'm not saying a word to anyone, so you'll just have to read it. And I will bring my copy for you and Jason to read, Stef.