Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Live Talkin'

Hey family, I want to try something on the blog and if we don't like it I will remove it. I want to draw everyone's attention to the right. You may notice something new on the blog. This is called a shout box. In this box we can chat live with whoever is looking at the blog. I have noticed over the past couple of days that I keep refreshing the page because me and layne are talking back and forth. Instead of talking under the comments section we can talk in the shout box. The shout box asks for your name and your website. In the website box you can just leave it blank or enter the website for our blog. It doesn't matter. Do any comments about the shout box whether pro or con would be appreciated! Thanks! Happy shouting! (in a nice way)


Tracy said...

I think its a great idea. It will be interesting to see if anyone is actually on at the same time. I didn't have to put in a web address. I just gave my first name but I could have given it anything. You are so inventive Stef!

alwayshot said...

I like it also. Does it list the participants that are currently signed into the blog?

Tracy said...

OH NO, we maxed it out!!!! LOL

Stefley said...

There is the catch! Only 60 posts per hour! That stinks, I'll see what I can find, maybe one that doesn't have a limit.

Tracy, the free account that we have doesn't archive, that is why the conversation starts deleting fast

alwayshot said...

So we found one flaw in the system already... but testing was necessary to find it. Haha. It is still a cool thing and will probably work just fine on most occassions

alwayshot said...

what we need is for everyone to just get an instant messenger

Tracy said...

Gotcha! Its great Stef we are too prolific. LOL. What ever you find is better than nothing. Thanks again!!

alwayshot said...

I have a yahoo and an msn instant messenger account but I can chat with any instant messenger because of the free program I use for the mac

Stefley said...

We are thinking of upgrading just for 3 months to see how it goes, if we use it enough to make it worth it and such. It is only $6 for the 3 months so nothing major. I'll keep looking, but if I can't find anything $6 is well worth it.

Stefley said...

It would be too hard for everyone to have instant messenger, this is more convenient and I'm already going through withdrawls!

alwayshot said...

The Post My New Friend Jen is still getting comments. So don't forget to go back and read the updates. ;)

Tracy said...

Amen to withdrawals. Isn't it funny, we can chat for a few minutes and we feel that the world is smaller and more fun! I am all for the $6 upgrade. I'll even volunteer to pay for a few months!

Stefley said...

we should go for 100 comments under that post!

Tracy said...

Your kidding....I thought it was done! After awhile I stop going back.

Tracy said...

alright its 6:39 here and the pilgrims are complaining they want sustenance. I haven't done anything about dinner yet. Bad Mom.

alwayshot said...

Yeah I am sure most do, but mom (whom we all love and adore) posted something then I had to reply and then I think a few others posted something under there so it keep growing. I figured that you hadn't checked that one anymore so that is why i mentioned it.

Is there a way to track the number of comments on the blog itself, so we can see when the number of comments has increased without scrolling through them. We log into the blog and it shows us the posts and the number of new comments since we logged in last. That would be way cool

Mom and Dad said...

Hope I can figure out how to get in on this live talkin. I love the idea!!!

Leslee said...

I don't get it, but none of us are surprised about that. I'll need lessons when I get to your house next week. Between you and Tracy maybe I'll get up to speed yet.