Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well Daniel and I both applied at Red Mountain Spa where Stephen works but this is their slow season. So rather than wait for them to call, I continued to look for a job. Today I was hired by WalMart, I think they are less than a mile from my house. I will be a cashier. The thing I liked the most about them is that they asked what hours I wanted to work and what days and I wroted down 9-2 mon thru friday and 9-5 on Sat and NO Sundays and they agreed!! I don't know that I will get all those hours but the hours I get will only be during those times on those days! How cool is that? If and when Red Mountain calls, I will deal with that. Oh yes.....I went from earning $18.25 an hour in California to $9.70 an hour here. But the manager assured me that was a fare wage for this area. I am satisfied.


silleeg said...

Congratulations Tracy! Do you get any Walmart discounts? Fun for you if you do. I love Walmart!Are you going to look for an office type job like you did in CA or do you like the idea of something different?

Stefley said...

We are major Walmart supporters here. I think we keep them in business single handedly here! We go like every other day!

Tracy said...

Yes, I get an additional 10% off WalMarts already low prices! Hah, do I have their slogan down or what?!!

Umm about the only job I would leave WalMart for is the Red Mountain Spa one or if I could get in at SkyWest. I am looking forward to something different and I am glad to have the diversity of LOTS of people coming through my register. Hopefully, I can always greet them with a smile and thank them for shopping at WalMart!

Leslee said...

great JOB!!

Get it?????

(This is Taryn.)

Tracy said...

Yes Taryn, I got it and your joke. How very funny you are! Thank you for your comment and your quick wit!

alwayshot said...

Taryn is definitely a quick one. But we have been missing jokes from Brad for quite some time. Did Brad lose all of his fingers or maybe just his sense of humor??

Mom and Dad said...

Good for you, Tracy. I'm glad you found a job so easily. Or maybe it just seems easy from here. Hope Daniel finds something soon.