Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Adventure

I don't know how many of you know the events of yesterday here in Washington County Utah, so I thought I would clue you in.

Sometime during the early afternoon yesterday, lightening started a fire out by Dammeron Valley (the marathon route, also nw of St George). The fire eventually burned its way close to some electrical lines. Now according to the radio, the heat and smoke from the fire was causing the lines to "arc" and so they decided to take the precautionary measure of shutting everything down. So the entire county was withour power. The power went out about 4:30ish for us. We found out from neighbors what was going on as shortly after the power went out, we also lost our cell service. We have decided to get a land line as a result of this as we had NO way to contact anyone unless we went outside or drove somewhere.

Caitlin and Jon and myself left to take Lewis back to the airport at 7pm with still no power. Let me tell you getting in that a/c car was wonderful. We also were aware that by the time we would be getting home that the power would/should be repaired.

After dropping Lewis off, we headed home (north) and from almost north Las Vegas on we could see a massive lightening storm where we were headed. Oh yippee. We watched the light show all the way in. Coming into mesquite we realized that there was also a NEW fire. We could see the orange glow fro miles away. We continued to watch the lightening, kept Lewis updated on our progress and also heard from him that his flight was delayed for a couple of hours YUCK!

As we left Mesquite we hit a huge cloud of smoke and ash. We still couldn't see the fire just the glow in the sky as we got closer. The fire was actually in the gorge on the east side almost exactly half way through. You could see it from the road. We took some consolation in that it was also raining heavily at this point and that had to be helping things out. We got home about 11pm and found lights and air conditioning again. YAY.

We survived our little adventure and hope Lewis fared ok with his late night.


Mom and Dad said...

WOW! What a day for you. We are so sad that there was a fire in the canyon. I hope the little curly horned sheep are o.k. But, now I need the sequel to the story. What time did Lewis get back to CA? Was his car at LAX? When did he get to Mark's house? We are glad that you are all safe and that the A/C and power are back on.

Tracy said...

We just talked to Lewis. He didn't get back to Mark's until 3am!!!! We have to figure out an alternative plan for events such as these as it was quite ridiculous. He emailed Michael to tell him he was going to be in late but that isn't going to go over well if it continues.

alwayshot said...

Wow that is an adventure. I love watching lightening storms although when they are accompanied by fires and roads that you can barely see over while driving on those said roads it makes the novelty wear off fast. I'm glad everyone surveyed. You should get yourself a lear jet and then find yourself a nice long straight road in St. George and take off from there. Much better commute than trying to drive to vegas.