Thursday, July 26, 2007

Our New (to us) Car

We finally have replaced our car that was totalled in the accident in March of 06. It is a used 2006 Toyota Avalon. It is the lowest end of that line but still very nice. It should do dad and I very well for many years. The ride is smooth and the back seat is like sitting on the living room couch - very comfortable with tons of leg room.

Brad and David came to see it last night and Brad hopped right into the driver's seat. Trouble is, he looks very natural there. Brad, you are only 11 and 11/12ths. You can't drive yet!!


Tracy said...

Sounds like a dream car. The van needs some transmission work. The good news about WalMart is that I can walk to and from and that takes the pressure off of hurrying to get the van fixed. I hate car problems! Hopefully, your beautiful Avalon (makes me think of Catalina) will serve you well for years and years to come!

Stefley said...

Cool car mom, we can't wait to see it at the family reunion!

Lewis said...

We rented an Avalon for our June Utah trip, and it was a glorious ride. 5 of us fit in it just comfortably, including the shifts I took in the back seat.

alwayshot said...

Nice car, i want to ride in it, actually I want to drive it but i'll settle for riding in it for now. They have a full 280 horsepower and I think 280 pounds of torque. That is quite a bit more than my Acura had, fun!! I mean, power is nice and all, but driving 5 miles under the speed limit is really the way to go. ;)

Leslee said...

Layne, do you still have your pickup? How many moves have you done this month?