Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Whelchel Family History Quiz

This quiz is for all of you who think you know everything Whelchel and those of you just interested. True or False

1. R. Carleton Whelchel applied to and was accepted into the Julliard School of Music.

2. R. Carleton Whelchel claims Emmett, ID as his birthplace though he has never called that town his home.

3. Elsie Johns Whelchel has three siblings Richard, Elva and Lily.

4. Elsie Johns' parents moved from their farm/homestead in Smith Center, KS to a 40 acre farm in Emmett, ID when their daughter Elsie was 10 years old.

5. The Johns family were prominents enough members of the Emmett, ID community to have a main street named after them: Johns Avenue.

6. After Clyde Carleton Johns died, his Emmett homestead was divided into 4 equal 10 acre parcels.

7. After Clyde died, his widow Minnie sold her 10 acre plot including the farmhouse to move to "town". She moved about 1 mile west.

8. Harold Carver Whelchel grew up in Caldwell, ID.

9. Harold decided upon moving to college to change the name he was called to Carver.

10. Grandpa Nichols, Minnie Nichols Johns father, was the Sheriff or Deputy of Smith Center, KS.

11. Minnie Johns remarried at a ripe old age after moving to "town."

12.Elsie couldn't go to the hospital to deliver her baby boy because she and her husband were too poor to pay for the hospital bill.

Stay tuned to for the answers to the quiz.

Love you. We are having a great time in historic Baker City.


Monday, July 28, 2008

Geolocate this post

Posted with LifeCast

This Is A Test

I have a new application on the iPhone that publishes my posts for me. If you are reading this it worked.

Geolocate this post

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Father's Day


James called today to wish me Happy Father's day. Isn't that nice?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Link to Michaels hospital in Uruguay

Here is the link to Michaels hospital in Uruguay. When you click on it, on the left side at the bottom is this link : greeting cards by email. Click on it and you can send him a note of encouragement. His full name is Michael Sanora. We don't know his room number yet.

Prayers requested for Elder Sanora

We received a phone call from Ron Sanora this morning telling us that Michael has been a horrible accident in Uruquay. He and his companion were participating in a service project building a cinderblock retaining wall and the wall collapsed on him. He fractured his pelvis in 4 places, damaged his color, and intestines. He had quite abit of surgery yesterday but was awake enough today to talk to his parents. His mission president talks about him returning home (he has 6 months left) but Michael really wants to stay there. He is in a british hospital in Montevideo and getting really good care. They will keep us apprised of his progress.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Samuelson Reunion

I wish I knew how to scan and post the invitation we received, because it is for ALL of us, not just me.

This is for the descendents of Clara, Clarence and Cecil Samuelson who are the children of your great grandparents, Grace and Hilge Samuelson.

It will be in Centerville at our cousin Kim's home on August 23rd. It starts at 1:00 and there is swimming for anyone interested. Lunch will follow. We are invited to bring stories, pictures, etc. Our family is assigned a dessert plus $5 to help pay for the KFC. If any of you feel like you can go, dad and I certainly would appreciate and enjoy being there with you. Think about it and let us know.

Much love to each of you, Mom :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Becki

Happy Birthday Becki! I hope you have had a fun day and that you got do something special. Make the kids clean the whole house without any help for your birthday!! :) So I looked through a million pictures trying to find this event (this happen a year or two ago). I'm not sure whose fault it was that a bunch of yogurt fell out of the refrigerator but becki stepped in it and marti clean it up. I was REALLY funn!


How is the economy effecting all of you? Have any of you changed plans as a result of gas prices? Are any of you feeling the pinch at the pump or the cash register with groceries? David van pools but still lives quite a ways from work, has that hurt the Haralsons? How far does Jason work from home? What about you Virginia people, are you both close to your jobs? I have a good friend in Iowa and she said milk there is 4.39 a gallon. Well here its only 3.59 and if you do the buy two and save I can get it for closer to 3.00 a gallon. What is milk costing you where you live? What is the biggest increase you have seen? Is it in gas, a specific food or some other commodity?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rebecca

Happy birthday, Rebecca! I've thought long and hard about what I might give you, and decided that most probably you would enjoy a new car. I give you, then the 2009 Mayback 62S:

It is the most powerful chauffeur driven luxury production vehicle. When you are ready to order your car, go to your local Maybach dealership and they will video-conference you with the headquarters in Germany where you will order every single little detail of the car, making it uniquely yours. With over 2,000,000 combinations of luxury to choose from, you will not have to fear anybody having a car quite like yours.

Allow me to quote Wikipedia: "Maybach executives liken the experience to ordering a custom-built yacht or a personalized jet aircraft."

I hope you enjoy it.

Love, Lewis

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Yes, that is where Caitlin is right now. She arrived there yesterday and will be there for two weeks. She met a girlfriend online (Nicole) and they have been conversing for about two years. We have talked to Nicole via phone and to her parents. We checked out that they really exist etc. Nicole is baptist and an overachiever. She graduated this past June from high school at the same time she got her associates degree. She is also an artist like Caitlin. Caitlin got invited to her graudation and party. Nicole actually paid half her ticket to Florida. Caitlin will be seeing Busch Gardens, attending some kind of animae convention and seeing the local sights. I hope she posts some picture either while away or at the very least when she returns home. Now I am down to two kids. Sigh!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


So a couple of them are a little over or under exposed. I did my best without a meter. enjoy!! hurray for pictures and photography!

I am not sure what to call this

So, life has been interesting. There are times I ponder on returning to taiwan and being a missionary forever. Than thoughts of the future chapters that everyone talks to RM's about just excites and thrills my senses. My 10 life time goals also get me jittery for joy as I ponder how I can accomplish them. I have been brought on by Walmart. I will be quitting the temp job or subway that I may work at Walmart. This week has been a week of miracles. Well, last week was too. I was able to reach a lot of goals I set for school, friends, work, and other matters. I spent 2 days with Emily and went sailing with her, her cousin and his wife and we had an awesome time capsizing. I know what I will do when I am older for fun, hehehe. On sunday, monday and tuesday... I was having some emotional rollercoasters. I very much dislike being alone and think that hermits must be mutated human beings, because this boy will not live alone. Tuesday, I found myself on my knees a lot as I tried to comprehend what I could do to solve my problem. Well, it came in a still small voice. Have a constructive schedule. Now, there is only so much piano, chinese study, and running one can do. So, I called up my old companion, Bronson, and he gave me an hour and a half to just talk. It was the highlight of the week. I felt so much better, and more resolved to build relationships with family and friends more than ever. When we die, that is what we take. Sure, I can likely go running up in Heaven, but its our knowledge, spirit, and relationships that go with us to the eternities. Wednesday, we went to Lagoon. That was a blast. Thursday, I worked both jobs and that was great too. Friday, I did my financial aid items, bought gas, interviewed with Walmart, took a drug test, and bought pizza while watching 3 hrs of Lord of the Rings. Now that is what I call a great night. I love Lord of the Rings. Well, life is grand. The Lord brings miracles to those who ask in faith. We are not perfect, and He does not ask us to be perfect. Only to follow and trust in Him. I also had the opportunity to serve at the MTC. Although, the missionaries were not teaching in Mandarin, the spirit, work, and words were the same. It brought tears to my eyes, as I remember myself, stumbling over words, trying to think of the scriptures, and the fun that soon awaited me in the field. I am grateful that I am still a missionary. I am glad I can still call people to repent through an act of kindness and smile. I love the Lords work and if He asked me to serve as a missionary for the rest of my life. I WOULD BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THRILLED! LONG LIVE TAIWAN. lol. I love you all. Thank you for your prayers. And I am a prayer, email, letter, phone call away. Bye

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Our Big, Beautiful Yard!

We unexpectedly had our backyard finished today! We are so excited about having a backyard full of grass. We are so happy with how it looks. We are one step closer to a final product with our home.

My State Map

As most of you know I have a goal to visit every state before I die. I have been keeping track on this coloring page. Now I'm really easy to please as far as counting a state. For example just driving over the boarder, or being in the airport counts for me! Most of these I have actually been to, but a couple of them are just airport visits. Thanks to Mom and Dad, the Cornwall's and my sweet husband I am just 15 states away from my goal!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Sunday, July 06, 2008


Jonathan, Caitlin and I went to see this movie and I have to tell you it is wonderful!! I believe it would be easy for even young kids to follow. You fall in love with Walle and the "green" message the movie portrays is even done in such a manner that you want to go home and recycle, reuse and reduce your imprint upon the planet. So all you moms with housefuls of cousins, if you want some fun wholesome entertainment, take the kidlets to see Walle.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Sure hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

new cell number

Hey family, I took another grown up step in my life lol...I have my own cell phone plan. whooo. =) here is the number for all of you. and it would be great to get all of yours...

what kind of inspired it was 1) AT&T drives me nuts with crummy signals in St George... and 2) I accidentally flushed my other phone down the toilet. =( saddays. but please feel free to laugh, it is quite comical. the phone was in my back pocket and it fell in and i was going to fish it out, but noooo, these days they have those automatic flushers so before i could do a thing. . . down it went. =( what can ya do?? no idea. lol.

so the number, let me know if you want it.
I have unlimited texting to anyone of verizon and any other company so please...text me if you want. =)

Love ya all!!!
things are good if you were wondering. my new roomies are the best ever! we have SO MUCH FUN! yay for fun college life! =) Love ya!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

My Race!!

I just received a call this morning awarding me an $8,000 grant for advertising for my race from The Nevada Bureau of Tourism!! That was the cap this year, so I feel really good that my prospectus and grant application was given the full amount. I am new to all of this and its wierd negotiating the backroads of bueracracy (sp?). I am thrilled and will now work on spending it and building my race.

How is James doing?