Saturday, July 21, 2007

Crazy early posting

Why do all you people post so early in the morning? I'm just curious in an astounded way!


silleeg said...

Marti, you are so funny! On behalf of myself, I work from 5-7am, so when I get tired or bored, I switch to the BLOG for a refreshing break.

When we post, does it show up the time of the state where the posting occurred?

alwayshot said...

I am pretty sure that the time posted is the local time of the person making the blog entry. I will know for sure once i publish this comment.

alwayshot said...

Nope it didn't, it showed the pacific time even though as you all know I am on eastern time ;). hmmm

Stefley said...

Which means you are commenting VERY LATE layne!! Hmmmm.

Mom and Dad said...

You are all such detectives! I have a qpuestion about this: Today is Sunday, it is 7:48 a.m. Last night I was reading and posting on the blog at about 8 to 8:30 our time. I didn't see Martissa's post until just now. How does this work?

Mom and Dad said...

You are all such detectives! I have a qpuestion about this: Today is Sunday, it is 7:48 a.m. Last night I was reading and posting on the blog at about 8 to 8:30 our time. I didn't see Martissa's post until just now. How does this work?

alwayshot said...

I think this is a question for the blogging guru's. Yes Squirt I do on occasion post at late hours, but since I am up what else could be more important that giving you the opportunity to read about how my day has gone, or at least my opinion on how your day has gone. ;)