Saturday, July 21, 2007

Fell in Love with Bryce!

Holy cow, I can't believe how beautiful that place is!! I am truly speechless when I realize just how much beauty this earth contains and the small percentage of it I have seen. Lewis and I will have to at least try to raise our percentage by seeing all the incredible sights that surround us now.

I finished the race. I died with the altitude. It just gets me. I get short of breath and puff on my inhaler to no avail. Sigh. Yes well, it was a wonderful place to run, wonderful weather and great company. All in all a very good day.

I was totally out of touch with the family as there is absolutely NO cell service up that way and learned when I was able to call on the way home this morning that all had gone well with Daniel picking up Lewis. YAY. Lewis's plane was a half hour late so Danile parked and waited inside for him, other than was uneventful.

We hit some art galleries this afternoon, there is a local artist who takes photographs and has them printed on canvas. He is very talented and we hope at some point to become owners of some of his work. Jan and Carleton, we need to take you by the gallery on one of your visits.

Caitlin was invited by Dexter, an older gentleman in our ward and neighbor to go on an all day horse ride today. He had some "horse" work to do and welcomed the company and she enthusiastically accepted. They left early this morning and she got back "early" around 1:30 this afternoon. One of the horses was acting up so they cut the trip short. She was sad to come home. However, I told her that her and Lauren had been invited to ride with Patrice tonight on Navajo trail (above Snow Canyon) tonight at 6pm and her smile returned. They will be leaving soon to end the day with a sunset ride.

I would say that right now we are all very grateful for this wonderful life we have here in St George.


silleeg said...

Sounds like you guys have made yourself at home and are getting involved with everyone and everything. Glad there are horse people around there for Caitlin. Glad the race went well, other than not being able to breath.

Mom and Dad said...

Congratulations, Tracy!! We are very proud of you. It must be very satisfying to set a goal and then see it through. We plan to come to watch you and Shelley run the St. George.

Marti K said...

Congratulations on finishing the run. Is there such a thing as altitude training?

alwayshot said...

Sure there is such as thing as altitude training, Tracy can run the same route each week, that would train her on running at altitude ;). Congrats on finishing the race, after 30 minutes on the treadmill i am done, i can't imagine running for several hours.