Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Low Res Pictures ;)


Stefley said...

Cute pics, thanks for posting them.

alwayshot said...

No problem nosey ;)JK

Stefley said...

Oh you like it!

alwayshot said...

That is true, I do. Any topic with Jen in it is now my favorite topic ;)

Stefley said...

oh boy, here we go!! jk

silleeg said...

Oh, you two are cute. Glad dinner was yummy! Nachos at Taco Bell are my favorite! I can't come to Palmdale the weekend you will be there. Bummer! So, unfortunately, Jen won't be able to meet Mialee and Nathan. :)

alwayshot said...

Thank you Rebecca, one of us is extremely cute and it isn't me.

Lewis said...

Thanx for posting the pictures. You two seem 'dripping' with happiness and it will make my day that much brighter!

Stefley said...

When is Jen coming over again?

alwayshot said...

I am not sure, if she doesn't make it over tonight then probably tomorrow night which would be thursday.

Stefley said...

Do you still ask her out on dates for the weekend, or is it assumed you will just be doing something together?

alwayshot said...

Niether of us date anyone else. We don't want to go out with anyone else. I still ask her out, but it is more to be considerate of her time rather than because I think she might be making plans with other guys. She asked me out for this saturday night to an activity that the YSA are planning, she didn't just assume that I would go with her so she asked me if I was available and wanted to go. I try to do the same things for her.

silleeg said...

that is cute of you guys, layne! good job!

alwayshot said...

Thanks Rebecca, and thanks to all of you for all of your posts to Jen. I love it and I know she enjoys reading our blog and getting to know you all. She is a keeper!!