Thursday, July 26, 2007

The downside of going to bed early...

...seems to be waking up early. It's just after 3am and I'm quite wide awake. I have some sleeping stuff I can take, but then I won't get up in time, so I think I might be headed for a long day. Oh sigh.

I've decided to write another book, so perhaps I can get started on that. I'm at the very beginning of the process. I have a one sentence thought for a plot. I didn't even think of that...Tracy supplied that. :) Isn't she wonderful? So, perhaps in 12 - 18 months I'll have something nice.

My first book took 6 weeks to write. The words seemed to be in my head and all I did was write them down. The second took 18 months, with two small hiatuses in the middle. I can't seem to write between January and March. Hopefully that will change this year. After a couple years, I worked on both stories to improve them. In fact, I found a place where I might self-publish the second one someday. The story and artwork are already done.

If you're awake right now, I'm crossing my fingers that you're in a different time zone far ahead of the one I'm in. :)


alwayshot said...

Hey Lewis, thank you so much for blogging. I don't even know you so everything you write about is new information too me. Good luck with your one line plot. Someday if you would like we, those of us that didn't know you wrote 2 books, would love to hear what they are about. Well I am off to work.

silleeg said...

I think publishing them would be great! Can the family get a copy even if you don't publish them?

My fire alarm started beeping at 4:40 this morning telling me I need to change the batteries. Funny thing, it is put so high on the ceiling one cannot reach it to make it stop beeping. Being as quiet as I could, I stood on a kitchen chair and with a flash light and a long handled back scratcher. I was able to get the batter door knocked off, pound on the battery, and then it was quiet. No kids were disturbed, but my sleep ended 20 minutes early. Oh well....

Mom and Dad said...

I woke up early, too, but not as early as you, Lewis, or you, Layne, or you, Rebecca.

I would love to read your books. You gave me a letter once, I think part of your first book. I was impressed and would like to read more.

Rebecca, changing your smoke alarm sounds like a good job for dad this afternoon.

Mom and Dad said...

I woke up early, too, but not as early as you, Lewis, or you, Layne, or you, Rebecca.

I would love to read your books. You gave me a letter once, I think part of your first book. I was impressed and would like to read more.

Rebecca, changing your smoke alarm sounds like a good job for dad this afternoon.

Tracy said...

Good Morning hubby, glad you like my one line starter. Don't force it, I know you well enough that when the time is right, the words will flow. I hope he does the self publishing idea. Anyone who wants a copy just goes to the publishers website and pays their fee and they mail it to you with Lewis getting a small amount of the sales price. He has quite a following on fan fiction and I am sure would sell some books.

Lewis said...

Ah, gee guys are embarrassing me. The books are nearly 200 pages and written in Regency English.