Sunday, July 15, 2007

Survived Camp

Yes, this past week was scout camp for quite a few of the young men in the family. Jonathan, Thomas and Stephen all went to camp. (Thanks again to the Lambert men for the supplies we didn't seem to have the night before Jon's departure). I don't know how Thomas enjoyed camp or Stephen's feelings. I can speak for Jonathan and I quote "I hated camp but I made a lot of friends". In my opinion camp was a success then. Anyone else agree? I truly wish I would have taken a picture of him before I demanded he hit the shower. He looked like he had been living south of the equator he was so brown skinned. Big surprise when most of the brown washed off in the shower. He soaped up twice and still was dirty. I made him shower again today before church to hopefully get the remainder off. YUCK. We seriously missed him while he was away.

Speaking of away.......Lewis made his first commuter flight. He arrived on-time at Las Vegas airport on Saturday morning and I picked him up and took him out to our new favorite mexican restaurant "Don Jose's". In fairness though, the ruling is not set in concrete just yet as we have two more restaurants to check out at the behest of others who we admire and whose judgement we respect. We still need to try Sharkey's and Casa Mio (I think that is what its called), its the mexican restaurant by the flood street theaters. Then we will have given everyone their fair try and determine who wins. I think the contest is the best part. hehe.

Seriously, it was very nice having Lewis home. We missed him. He had worked so late through the week there wasn't a whole lot left for him to do once he arrived home. Shucks! LOL, so we kept him busy visiting with us. I took him out for date night to see that movie "The Ultimate Gift". He enjoyed it as much as I did. It was fun seeing it again with him. I like that my husband likes "chick" flicks. How lucky am I???? Today we are taking it easy. Our dear friends the Knudsens (our old next door neighbors) stopped by on their way home from northern Utah today to say hi and see our new digs. They loved our house and we loved seeing them. It was a brief but enjoyable reunion. Tomorrow we go see the Johnson farm (Dinosaur feet prints?). We will leave right after I get home from my run, shower and grab a bite to eat. Lewis wants to go before the heat comes up. Then tomorrow night I take him back to the airport.

Tomorrow I put in an application for SkyWest airlines. One of the women in our ward works for them and assured me either Lewis could fly for free right out of St George or at least for half the price. Can't beat that. So, I am going to do my best to become employed by them

Still waiting to hear from Leslee or Shelley. .........Post a picture? or just a comment?


silleeg said...

Fun update Tracy! I was wondering how the commuting was going for Lewis. Glad the first round went well and that there has been lots of fun having him home. Good luck getting on with SkyWest! Good job Jonathon for going to scout camp. I agree--I hate camping, but making friends does count as success.

Leslee said...

OK, David just this very minute added the blog to my favorites and showed me how to log on again, so I THINK I may be able to do this again. Don't hold your breath. I'm a slow learner.

Mom and Dad said...

We are very happy, too, that the commute went well this week. We think it is great that you are in St. George and loving it. We hope you get on with Skywest - that would be a great help to your family, and probably fun for you, too. Tell Jonathan we are proud of him for going to camp. Does Dan have a job yet? Does Lauren start tomorrow?

Tracy said...

Daniel doesn't have a job yet. Lauren had her drug test on Friday. We believe she will hear from them in the next few days as to her schedule.

Mom and Dad said...

Good luck Lauren!! Keep on trying, Daniel - we know you will have a job soon.