Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Today is another birthday. Daniel turns 19. We greeted him much earlier than he would have preferred with balloons and card and birthday pie. He stayed in bed. ;)

Today we also get to talk to James to find out if he got any of his birthday boxes. As of last week he had not. The mission office was supposed to bring them out on Friday.

Hope all of you have a great day and get lots of treats and not too many tricks.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Paisley's first...

Happy Birthday Paisley

We can't believe that Paisley has been around for a year! She was sure cute at church today with her hat on. We look forward to her next year!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lucky Layne


I was just back in Pennsylvania and could not believe how beautiful everything was with the fall foliage. There was more color at the higher elevation so not sure if its hit its peak down your way yet. How blessed you are to see that each year. I miss it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Long Time No Hear....

The Smith household hasn't posted in a while.....

Mialee is a cheerful helper and her mother is enjoying that. If you call her a super hero she is willing to do almost anything. My friend taught me about charts and stickers for chores and other responsibilities, and boy, that has made a world of a difference with her. She gets herself dressed and brushes her hair and teeth and clears her own dishes and cleans up her room.... all for a sticker. It is great! So, remember that Stef, for Paisley. :):)

Nathan got his 7th tooth yesterday. He is getting all around and standing up very well. He goes anywhere he wants as long as there is something to hold onto. Saturday morning he excited us by finally sucking from a sippy cup. I was afraid he was going to be a bottle kid forever. He would rather play with than drink from his cup, but at least it is coming along. He says Mama and Dada and Nana and Baba.

Our ward had their Primary sacrament program yesterday and it went very well. One more big event left this year, then I can start it all over again next year. :):) The kids are cute.... I enjoy Primary.

That is about it... my kids are the most fascinating part of the Smith home. :)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

McDonalds Around the World

On our vacation to South Korea we found a Mcdonalds and wanted to eat there. We aren't fans of trying new food so we were excited to see something we recognized. We found it fascinating that half way around the world McDonalds was pretty much the same as here in California. Since we didn't speak the language the McDonalds workers had a small laminated menu so we could point to the pictures of what we wanted and order. It was a great experience and we had to document the occasion with these cute pictures!

Mialee's Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Dad and I took a spontaneous trip
to San Luis this weekend. We took
Mialee to the Avila Barn to feed the
goats. To our surprise there was a
maze made of bales of hay for children. Mialee had a
great time running on it, around it,
and through it. She looked like a
little scarecrow when we were

There were also huge stacks of
pumpkins. Mialee thought
it was fun to sit in this one
for a picture.

Nathan loves to carry things in his

mouth as he crawls around.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Busy Week Ahead!

I am sitting here trying to figure out how to survive this week. I can't wait to reach Sunday. Last weekend, I was scheduled to do a 13 miler and got the stupid idea to run a half marathon and get a medal instead of just running and getting nothing. The idea wasn't a bad one...but the race I chose was. I hobbled through and finished the xterra bony mountain 1/2. Put it this way, between mile 6 and 10.5, we climbed 1800 feet. It was grueling. I felt at the finish like I do after a full, I was just so exhausted. I am still feeling it today. Achey calves, minor sprained ankle, tight quads.

But the daunting part is in front of me. Yep, this Friday I am supposed to run a 1/2 marathon with Dean Karnazes the guy who is running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. The good news is that I can run less, much less should I choose to and I believe I will choose to. Why am I wimping out? Well, another friend of mine is scheduled to run St George and has experienced some real big life challenges but is sick about not having the proper training in to do St George, so she called and asked if I would be willing to walk it with her. Hmmmm. I said yes. I have had lapses in my sanity and judgement twice in less than a week. NOT GOOD!

Anyway, so I will be doing some running on Friday and not sure if we are truly walking the entire thing or if we are going to walk/run it, but I am doing a full marathon on Saturday. Then I fly back to Lewis to massage me and nurse me back to health. hehe

What is your week looking like?