Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Morning of our Fourth

We started our day with a trip to Morro Bay beach. The cloud cover kept the sun from beating on us, and it was still warm enough to enjoy ourselves.
The birds were fed bread, pretzels, and fish crackers. Mialee threw the food while Nathan attempted to hand feed them. He was unsuccessful.
Mialee made a sand angle.
Nathan likes to do half headstands in the sand... well, anywhere for that matter.
After we were home and all cleaned up, Mialee washed her newly found treasures to add to her shell collection.


Stefley said...

That looked like a very fun trip to the beach! Nathan is so funny doing half headstands everywhere. Mialee is lucky to be able to have such a fun collection!!

Tracy said...

I agree, I wish I had had opportunities to "save" anything as a child. Being in the military and moving as much as we did, Mom threw away gobs of stuff. I have No rememberances except for the occasional pics she took. Good for Mialee for saving treasures and good for you for letting her Rebecca.

Mom and Dad said...

Was the bathtub full of sand when you gave Mialee and Nathan their baths? They sure looked like they were having fun. How was the picnic?