Monday, July 23, 2007

A Very Productive Day

Before Inside

Before Outside


After Inside

After Outside
Today was the day we had our french doors put in. Our old sliding glass door, besides being not very attractive, was broken and needed to be replaced. We chose to replace it with french doors instead of another sliding door. We love the new doors. The only problem is that they have left us with some work to do. We need to touch up paint some of the kitchen wall around the doors, paint the new molding and paint the baseboards to match, and find a person who knows how to do siding to wrap the door frame to match the rest of the house. When all is said and done we probably wouldn't have made the choice to replace the door because of how expensive it is turning out to be, but since we did it we will enjoy our doors and the fun blinds inside the windows!

Then later tonight we started painting the guest bathroom. Leslee, Brad and Taryn are showing up at our house next Monday for the family reunion pre-pre-party and so it needs to be painted and decorated and ready for their stay! It is starting to look very pretty. They will be very lucky to be the first ones to use the guest room and bathroom.


alwayshot said...

That is awesome, it sounds like your home is coming alone very very nicely. I happen to like the doors and the fact that the blinds are inside the window pains is very nice. Excellent pictures.

Lewis said...

I agree. It is a very nice door! And you won't get dusty blinds!

Mom and Dad said...

The French doors are beautiful. Congratulations. Have fun with your painting.

silleeg said...

I like it stef but I don't get where the blinds are.... do explain.

Tracy said...

Oh Lewis and I once looked at those doors. We liked them alot too. Rebecca they are double paned windows and the blinds are in between the panes. The only problem that can arise is if the seal breaks on the windows and you get moisture in there. Yuck! But they are beautiful doors and a huge improvement!

silleeg said...

Very tricky! Can you raise and lower the blinds? That makes it handy so kids can't bend them. Most of my blinds have a section that is bend. Thank goodness blinds are not that expensive.

Stefley said...

Yes becki, you can raise and lower them and tilt them, they have controls on the outside. Paisley loves to grab blinds and dance in them so I love that she can't get to these. I also like being able to close them at night so I don't feel like someone if looking in at us like I did before! Yay!

Leslee said...

We can't wait to see it all in person.

alwayshot said...

But you must wait, as hard as it may be. lol haha

Mom and Dad said...

Stefanie, I hope you will post a picture of your latest art work that you did for your guest bathroom. I really think you should try to sell one and see what happens.

Tracy said...

Indeed, take a picture of it and put it up on ebay....make sure you say what the dimensions are and that its original art work and who knows....we might have a budding artist on our hands. Go for it, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!