Monday, January 17, 2011

Quality Time

When Paisley goes off to school Jarom and I get to spend some quality time together. I think he likes it most because he gets to sit at the table and eat like a king! Here is munching on toast, bananas, yogurts and some corn chex. He is happy to sit up and eat a large breakfast while I do the dishes, figure out dinner and just clean up all over. What a cutie pie!

On a side note don't forget to tell your friends that we are moving and have a very cute house to sell. You never know who you know that knows someone else that lives in Kansas!! We are on a super time crunch and it's time to break out the big guns and post this everywhere! Thanks for spreading the word because "it's a small world, after all!"

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Major Haircut

Last night it was time for Jarom to get a haircut! His was very cute, but very out of control. We decided it would be easier and faster to use the clippers, so we put on the longest blade and went to it. He was very scared, and screamed super loud so I went as fast as I could! He is now a very handsome little boy, but missing his signature look. His hair is still curly when it is wet, so hopefully when it goes a little we can get our cute curly headed boy back. For now we are getting used to a handsome straight haired boy!
This is his new camera smile. This kid is so funny!

Friday, January 07, 2011

It's Official!!

It's official! The house is on the market and we are moving to Missouri! We have a 4 week deadline to get our house sold and figure where we will be in Missouri! Pretty stressful, but super exciting!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Too Much Info

Hey family! There is a completely invasive website called all of you need to go to this website, type in your own name and remove your profile from their website. When you type in your name your "profile" will come up. Copy the URL thenat the bottom of the page click on privacy. You will them paste the URL into the appropriate box, type in your email address and the coded letters right there. You will then get an email which you need to open and click the link saying that you agree to the removal of your profile. It is unbelievable the amount of information they have on everyone including address, email address, family members, income, how much your home is worth and the list goes on!! So, I've deleted me and jason and mom and dad, I suggest you go delete yourself!! Happy internet safety everyone! :)

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Snow, SNow, SNOw, SNOW!!

Well, after everyone finished leaving this after-noon.... it snowed! (well, it was snowing before the Spencers left, but it wasn't sticking. its still snowing, and its at about 2 inches off the ground so far! i'll try to post pictures!