Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter

We tried to go to the midnight viewing of this last night but even in small little St George, both shows were sold out! So we purchased tickets for today at 12:15. Attending will be Daniel, Lauren, Caitlin (Jon is at scout camp along with Thomas), Garrett and McKay. I have a guy coming to take care of our internet which is giving us some problems. Hopefully he will come early so I can go since I already have a ticket.


Stefley said...

You are so lucky!! We have this movie on our Netflix list because we don't think we'll be able to see it in a theater.

alwayshot said...

There was a group of kids from the singles wards in the area that went to the midnight showing. They bought tickets a couple weeks ago, or at least 1 week ago. Be sure to let us know how it is, but don't spoil it for us. ;)

Tracy said...

IT WAS WONDERFUL! According to Caitlin it was the best. I enjoyed it alot and find parallels between what the kids in the movie face and what our kids today face. Instead of Voldemort, substitute Satan. Tell me what you think when you have watched it.