Tuesday, July 03, 2007

4th of July

Do we all have fun plans for the Fourth?  My answer to that question the past two years has been a resounding NO, but not this year.  This year I am subjecting myself to crowds of hundreds of thousands in downtown DC.  I have seen the fireworks from DC on TV occasionally over the course of my life but now I get to see them live.  There are some singles that are getting together to go downtown so it should be a lot of fun.  My ward is also having a pancake breakfast tomorrow morning but I don't know that I will be up in time to join them.  If they were offering bacon and eggs I might be motivated but as it stands they are just having pastries and pancakes. So what is everyone else across the country doing?


Stefley said...

We are excited for the 4th! We are going to some people in our ward's house for a BBQ. People in our ward are pretty much split in two different towns and so everyone in Mac is going over to one family's house. They happen to be very wealthy so I'm excited to see inside their huge house!!

Tracy said...

Not sure what we are doing yet. There are two options for fireworks. Worthen Park has free stuff all day long including fireworks that night. Dixie College has fireworks and a country show. If you attend the country show you have to pay to get in. But if you show up at 10pm you can get in for free. I'll let you know after the fact what we did.

silleeg said...

Mialee has requested we go to the beach. It has been warm here by 9am, so we are heading to Avila in the morning to beat the crowds and let the kids run free.

Mom and Dad said...

Dad and I just got home from St. George. We had such a great time with the Whelchel's and the Lambert's. The Haralson's are out of town, so I don't know what dad and I will do - probably just try to keep cool and see if fireworks can be seen from our deck. Happy 4th to all of you!! Oh, I know that Martissa's neighborhood is having a block party.

alwayshot said...

Thanks Mom for the update. It is too bad that we have to hear about Martissa's plans from someone other than Martissa, but since we all know she won't be posting it is good that someone keeps us in the loop about what she is doing. ;)

Marti K said...

HA!!! I am posting! And I had to set up google account and get a new password too! That is determination in the face of great adversity.

We had a very fun neighborhood party. We probably didn't have quite as many people this year as last, but at least we were there this year. Last year I planned it and didn't get to go.

I love all of the cute flag shirts on the blog.