Friday, July 13, 2007

Let the vacations begin!

Tomorrow morning we leave for Florida for a week with Jason's family. We are picking up his brother from his mission and spending 4 days at Walt Disney World. I'm not sure if I'll be able to post from there or not, so if not have a good week and I'll get reacquainted with the blog when I return. Happy posting while I'm away!


alwayshot said...

Have fun in Florida! Don't go on any scary rides ;)

Tracy said...

Have fun, we will miss you! But Martissa blogged pictures and information so perhaps she will fill the void....right Marti?

Mom and Dad said...

Have tons of fun!! I think you should go on all the scary rides! Take lots of pictures. We're very excited for you.

Leslee said...

That looks very fun. Did Paisley have a good or great time??

(This is Taryn)