Saturday, July 28, 2007


Alright, I got up at 4am yesterday morning to get ready for my 15 miler. I ran my miles and then tried my darndest to get a nap but it never happened. As you know I picked up Lewis last night from the airport and didn't get to bed until 3am this morning. Sorry but I am NOT a spring chicken anymore and that did not go over well with my body. This morning I got up at 7:30 and ran out the door to my first day at WalMart. I just got off at 3pm. Got home and broke a bowl (corel so millions of splintered glass went everywhere). Decided if I was going to sweep I might as well mop. Swept and mopped the kitchen and dining room areas and now caught up on the blog and am GOING TO BED. I am NOT getting out of it until tomorrow. I haven't felt this tired since I had babies. Shelley, Stef, Martissa, Rebecca, I don't know how I did it much less how you do it. Where is my pillow?


silleeg said...

Oh poor you Tracy! I do have busy days, but I go to bed before 3am and that helps!! Hope you slept well and get a nap on Sunday. When you are rested, tell us about your first day of Walmart.

Mom and Dad said...

Yes, Tracy. I have been thinking about you lots today wondering how the first day of Walmart went. Wish you didn't have a 9:00 a.m. meeting schedule.

Tracy said...

My first day at WalMart was good. Luckily we were just going through orientation which entailed filling out paperwork, watching videos and dvds on safety and such and doing some classes on a computer. I have lots more computer classes. I was able to stay awake which at times was hard to do. I like WalMart, I had NO IDEA they do all they do for their employees. They offer a stock purchase option, 401k, profit sharing, all kinds of goodies. Impressive.

My only disappointment came when it was time to go home, the woman who had been handling us gave us our schedules for the next 3 weeks. She told us if we didn't like something or there was a mistake we would deal with it on our first day. Well there are some definate problems with mine. I hate having stuff hanging over me and unfortunately this won't get resolved until Monday. I told them I was available to work Mon-Fri 9-2 and Sat 9-5. Well they have me scheduled the next 3 tuesdays from 8:30-5, and the next two saturdays from 5:30am to 1pm. I don't think so. We will see how everything goes on Monday as to how "accomodating" they really are. Monday I am scheduled to work 9am -1pm.

Red Mountain Spa called me on Thursday or Friday. I have an interview with them on Tuesday afternoon at 3pm. I don't know how all of this is going to work out. I would like to do both but don't know the demand of the spa yet to know if that will work. If WalMart is to rigid, they might not work out after all. Who knows. I'm still tired and its all frustrating to even think about while tired. Its back to bed for me.

Mom and Dad said...

I am exhausted just reading about your schedule. I am also surprised at all the "perks" that Walmart offers. I was under the impression that except for management positions, they kept people at part time so that no benefits were offered. Keep us posted on your schedule and the Red Mountain job.