Sunday, July 22, 2007

James latest email

Dear Family! How are you all doing?! So, transfers are here! It has been a fun last transfer. Elder McSweeney moved to Zhongli Long Gang area. I served there when Elder Dameron moved to the MIssion Office. Elder Huang moved to Bade (I have served there on exchanges). His companion Elder Liu, moved to Song Shan. The Zone Leaders are the same, Sister Sung has a new companion also Sister Sung. As for me, that is a little special. There is a less number of missionaries on island this transfer, so there is an odd number of Elders. When that happens, a "duan chuan," is called to serve for a short time. It can be compared to the mini missions in the States. So, when the call came, I was told I get the duan chuan. This means alot of things. One, my companion most likely has not been to the temple, is coming from a ward without much training, my Chinese will improve if I use the time right, and miracles all over will happen by our faith. Right now, I am with the Zone Leaders, we are waiting for Elder Zhang to have a companion with President. Oh, an experience I want to share happened two sundays ago. It was our ward conference. I witnessed the most humble act of service yet but the Stake Presidency. They administered the sacrament to the congregation. I was touched by the soft smile of the Taipei West Stake President as he administered the ordinace of renewing our convenants with God. It is an experience that will stay with me forever. I have taken a different prespective. Since my area and the other missionaries area are combined, I want to be more organized than ever. We are going all out even more than before. This transfer we are studying Ch. 10 Teaching Skills in Preach My Gospel. I am excited to be doing so. I love improving, improving teaching skills will be awesome. I have a scripture I would like to share. In 2 Nephi 9:39 - "... Remember, to be carnally-minded is death, and to be spiritually-minded is life eternal." I hope we all can be spiritual giants. No matter what faith we are from, we can all be spiritual giants. Throught prayer, scripture study, and church we can all become so. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the boy Joseph Smith, in the spring of 1820. I know that through Him, they restored the Church of Jesus Christ. I know the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God. I love being a missionary and serving here in Taiwan. I love you all so much!!!!!!!! I love you dad! Thank you for all you do for me! Till next time! LATER!

1 comment:

alwayshot said...

That is a great email. I can't believe how freely he shares his testimony with you guys in his emails. Also, for the record i wish I would have had email while in the mission field. Writing by hand stunk. ;)