Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My little seeds are growing!

Over Thanksgiving I planted 11 tulips in my front yard and they are starting to come up! They are supposed to be yellow. Hopefully soon we will know for sure.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Apple Consumption

Mialee eats the insides out and Nathan enjoys the whole thing for a short moment, then it all comes out (notices his shirt). Whether I peal them or not, he chews, enjoys the juice, then pushes it out of his mouth as the next bite goes in. They are too cute!


I know you don't leave until Wednesday evening but thought you might not see this before you hop on the plane. We all hope you have a wonderful, exciting and safe flight and cruise. We expect to hear about everything, the food, points of interest, weather and your cabin. Please be sure to enjoy yourselves. YOU DESERVE IT!

Yay, activity on the blog again!!

Was missing the news and especially the pictures!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Paisley in the Box

It was finally time to get Paisley a new car seat! She isn't a huge fan of the new seat but she is a huge fan of the box it came in!! She put some toys in there and had a blast for a couple minutes! I think the box will be hanging around for a while as a fun toy! We'll put up pictures of her car seat later when she likes it better.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

More Pictures

It has been rainy here lately, so we have been hanging out at home finding fun things to do here. It was Nathan's turn to be in charge of the TV controllers. Thank goodness for the safety lock button so the one in charge isn't really in charge. Mialee and Nathan enjoy playing the piano together. Mialee decides what song they are playing and sings it at the top of her lungs. If you'll notice, there is only one picture where Nathan has his binkie in his mouth. His Hard of Hearing teacher suggested we limit his time with it to give him a chance to increase his vocabulary. It has been a fairly easy transition for him and he is full of new sounds and jibbering at all sorts of decibels!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

YUMMM Popsicles

Today Paisley and I shared her first popsicle. As you can tell from her face she LOVED it! She ate most of it too. I tried to show her how to lick it, but she kept taking bites of it! It was funny when she would get a big bite, she would just chew it until it was gone. She had a good time. She can't wait to have another one!

Art Time

Nathan's first piece of art work.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Where is everyone????

For pete's sake did the earth stop turning or everyone go somewhere and forget to tell us? Why is the blog so silent? What happened to all the little cousin pictures we were getting so regular that I am now addicted? Please put me out of my misery and POST.

Where is everyone???

For pete's sake did the earth stop turning or everyone go somewhere and forget to tell us? Why is the blog so silent? What happened to all the little cousin pictures we were getting so regular that I am now addicted? Please put me out of my misery and POST.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

THEY WERE SMOKIN...................

I talked with Shelley and her and Steven finished today in 2:11, a time I dream of and probably never will see. I am so pleased for her. She really did great. Expect great things from her and Steven at St George. Go Shelley Go!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Talked to Shelley

She is ready. I was so impressed with her attitude. She has the normal pre-race jitters. She is concerned about the cold and her asthma but I think she will be fine. She has prepared well and she will finish well. She said she is leaner and has got the running bug. YAY! Finally someone who gets why I continue to do it.

Hopefully she will take a moment tomorrow on here and tell us how it went. Go Shelley! And Steven. You will both do great!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Well the day is almost upon us. You have trained and done the work, now comes the time to reap the reward. The weather isn't cooperating but you can run better in cold probably than heat so just layer up and be prepared to peel them off if you need to. Run your pace and you'll reach your goal. I expect to hear a race report too. Shelley its your first half marathon so any time is a PR for you. Enjoy it!! Goodluck, you'll do GREAT!

Hey Stef

Since you originated the blog, are you going to upgrade us? I have another friend who has one and its much easier to use once you upgrade. Check it out please.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mealtime at our house...

Mialee makes sure all of her animals don't go hungry and Nathan prefers to sit down, take a bite, stand up, swallow, sit down, take a bite.... Not to worry though, most of the time he is seatbelted in and very safe. Only once have I found him kneeling on his high chair tray.... :):)

The joy of mixing bowls!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Where are the pictures of the the Boston Bound adventure. Neither BLOG has reception pictures, travel highlights, Paisley's cute face, snowy scenes..... I love Marybeth's dress!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Here we with Grandmother

Grandmother is sitting here with me and wants to say hello to all of you. We had a great dinner and it is raining all of the time. Love you all.

Martissa and Grandmother