Sunday, July 22, 2007

Our Trip to San Luis


Mom and Dad said...

This picture of Mialee on her new bike was supposed to be with the others along with a narrative about our trip to SLO and the fun we had with Rebecca and the children. We hope Rebecca had a happy birthday!

silleeg said...

Cute picture! Mialee is getting very good on her bike. Other than going over speed bumps, she pretty much is courageous to ride it by herself.

I did have a great birthday, Mom! I loved having you and dad here!

Tracy said...

Woo hooo Mialee, what a beautiful bike! I bet you are very good at riding it. You will have to teach Jonathan and Caitlin how to ride because believe it or not "they don't know how".

Leslee said...

It is very exciting that Mailee can ride a bike. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Mom told me about your cheesecake and Linda's yummy salad. Too bad a to go bag wouldn't have lasted.