Sunday, July 15, 2007

Our Temple Trip

This picture was taken while stopped at a red light.
The view from Grandma's balcony.
Walking around the temple grounds.

We had a very nice time at the temple. I debated about whether or not to take the kids on the LONG drive to and from, but I wanted Mialee to know first hand what we are talking about when we talk about the temple. The drive ended up going very quickly and the kids were incredibly patient. They had a great time with Grandma and loved seeing the temple. When we headed home, Mialee said, "I love the temple." In her talk in primary today she talked about being at the temple.


alwayshot said...

Thanks for the pictures Rebecca, your kids are getting quite big. I suppose that they are people now huh. ;)

Tracy said...

What a great way of teaching through example Rebecca?! Mialee now knows just how important the temple is to you, you have planted a seed inside or her that will one day bloom. Nice pictures.

Mom and Dad said...

Thanks for posting such beautiful pictures. Dad and I are happy that you came to the temple AND brought the children. Let's do it again!