Thursday, July 05, 2007

Post number 3 for those of you who keep track of those things.

Hello again. I'm trying to post a picture of my beautiful baby and other children. This is Grace and Lizzy playing in the bathtub.

Yeah! I caught the smile in time. Lizzy shows her two new razor sharp teeth. They came in together on June 12th. Her new nickname is Piranha!
I'll save my family reunion pictures for next post! I love you all and I do appreciate your encouragement to post.


Tracy said...

Martissa, you have beautiful children. Thanks so much for taking the time to post and know that we appreciate the efforts of a busy Mom. We would encourage you to jot down a few funnies that the kids do and share some pics. We love hearing from the family and this is the easiest yet fun way to keep in touch. Hope to hear more from our Colorado cousins!!!!

alwayshot said...

Hey Marti, good job. You have quite the knack for posting once you put your mind to it. Thanks for the pictures. The piranha is getting big!!

silleeg said...

Little Lizzy, you are not so little anymore. She is darling, and so is Grace! Hope the teething experience wasn't too horrible for her. Good luck with the next ones.

Mom and Dad said...

Good job, Martissa. It is fun to hear from you and see your pictures.

Stefley said...

Those are some cute pictures! Lizzy is so big to sit in the tub all by herself and not slip all over!! We can't wait to see everyone at the family reunion!!