Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Utah Utilities

We really only have two utility bills here, electric and then the city of St George for sewer, trash and water. Last year at this time in California, our electric bill was $768 (really hot month, this was mostly for the ac which we only ran from about 2pm until sometime in the wee hours when I would get up and shut it off). Here, our first electric bill is $164 and that is for a full month of running not one but TWO air conditioning units full time round the clock PLUS an electric dryer. I knew it was going to be lower but thought the dryer might make it go up. NOPE. Huge savings!!

Our water bill used to run between $35 and 50 depending on how dry it was. Here my city of St George bill was a whopping $22.82. Now that was only a half month of I am expecting next month it will be closer to $50-60 but that also includes our garbage which here costs $2.73 a month and in California was $25 a month.

I like Utah!!!!


Mom and Dad said...

Wow! wish those were our utilities. Yes, I must admit Layne's post about the vulnerability of the blog has left me feeling sort of creepy. Does it bother you? I think that is the reason Mike and Martissa don't participate more.

Lewis said...

Everything is vulnerable and everything can be hacked. Don't write anything you wouldn't want to see up in lights. :)

silleeg said...

That is nice for you! Now you can make extra trips to Chubby Bunny (what's it called?) for ice cream! YUM!!!

Tracy said...

LOL at chubby bunny, that is what we are all going to get if we keep frequenting "blue" bunny. LOL, you really made me laugh Rebecca.