Friday, August 17, 2007

Terrific News!!

I met with Beth at Red Mtn this past Thursday when I went for my first hike. We went over my current WalMart schedule and basically I can't schedule anything at Red Mtn due to my current hours at WalMart. They move the times for hikes up to later in the day in September and I already start WalMart at 9am. This would make it impossible to get back in time for work. So, after consulting with my wonderful husband about options, we decided to ask WalMart to move my hours from noon to 5pm every day including Saturdays. They agreed!! That means that during the busy season at Red Mtn, I technically could hike 5 days a week and still work at WalMart.

I am thrilled!!


Lewis said...


silleeg said...

That is great Tracy! Makes me tired thinking of having 2 jobs, but if it works for you, all the power to ya!