Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Lewis Update

Well, it's another 1/2 sleepless night. I seem to wake up at 11:45pm and no matter what I do, I wake up very 1/2 hr to 45 min after that. Eventually I can't stand it any longer and throw in the towel and just get up. Of course, by the time I get to work, I can conceivably sleep for a little while, so the morning passes interminably slowly with lots of yawning. I don't know if it's a blood sugar thing or not. Living in bachelorhood, I find I eat less, and plainer things, and perhaps my meds are too high. I see my dr. tomorrow.

On the brighter side, I believe I've developed the beginning of a plot for my new book, so that is exciting to me. It kind of makes me want to skip work and write. (Oh...I NEVER do things like that, no, never!)


silleeg said...

Poor Lewis! I am sorry you are not sleeping well. I have tossed and turned a lot this week as well, but mine is from the list going through my head of what I need to do before our trip! :)

Good luck with your book. Did you ever tell us if we get copies of your other ones?

Lewis said...

I can send you my most recent book of three years ago. It's in PDF, already formatted and illustrated for publication. Let me know if you'd like it.

silleeg said...

Yes, I would! Thank you!! Am I allowed to read it before you get it published?

Lewis said...

Of course. :) It's posted on a couple places already, but his is the newest and best version. It's been rewritten in parts a couple of times.

Lewis said...

Becki, I'll have to send it to you tomorrow from work. It's too big to send over my Blackberry tether. Ah...modern technology.