Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lewis to be in Utah for a whole 5 days!!

Yes this is an emergency broadcast.....even it is good news! He hasn't been here for that length of time since we moved in. Yippee how wonderful to have our Dad and hubby home. We plan on hitting more art galleries and doing alot of relaxing. We also might do some more exploring. Lewis and I tend to drive around on Sundays to "see" things. Last Sunday we went up to Pine Valley. Quaint little town nestled in an incredibly beautiful valley.

I will also be hiking and taking my first kayaking trip out. I'll let you know how it goes.


taryn_swims_ said...

I was learning about the kayak in school. It was cool.

Mom and Dad said...

I hope Your long weekend has been all you hoped it would be. Lewis, when do you return to Ca.? We have had a great time with Jen and Layne. I have pictures, but don't remember how to post them. It was also fun for us yesterday when Brad and David came collecting fast offerings, and watching Brad pass the sacrament for the first time.

Tracy said...

Woo hoooooo. Indeed that would have been a payday moment for a parent/grandparent or family member. Lewis goes home tomorrow. :( We have so enjoyed having him here for sooooo lonnnngggggg.