Monday, August 27, 2007

It's Harvest Time

Tracy's peaches got me out of my chair to show off my tomatoes!. They shine like 20 carrat rubies on their green vines.

We are eating zucchini, yellow squash, carrots and our acorn squash (is the plural squash or squashes?) and eggplant are almost ready. We only have one giant pumpkin due to fat, evil squirrels (that are for sale by the way). I love harvest time, but I hate that summer is almost over.
love to you all,


Tracy said...

MMmmm your tomatos look yummy. In answer to your question, anytime I can get peaches (the big ones that are bigger than your fist) for less than $20 a bushel its a good deal. I used to get them from the mennonites in Pennsylvania for around $8-12 and that was almost 15 years ago. I paid $14 a bushel in Orem. They were huge and out of the first bushel I only had 3 for jam as the rest were bruises or anything.

Mom and Dad said...

Martissa, is the pumpkin for sale or the squirrels? You have done such a great job with your garden. Wish dad and I could get back into the swing of gardening. Guess we don't stay home long enough. How is Gracie's corn doing?

silleeg said...

You good little gardeners. We might try for carrots sometime soon. :)