Wednesday, August 01, 2007

More Jokes...

There was this guy and he was in the car with his wife when he was pulled over by a police man. The police man says,"I need to give you a ticket for speeding." The man,named Harry, said,"but officer i was not even going 65 (mph)!" Then the mans wife says,"But Harry you were going well over 90 (mph)." Then he says,"Be quiet!" Then the officer says "I'm also going to have to give you a citation for a broken tail light." Then the man says outraged,"But officer I've don't have a broken tail light!!" Then his wife says,"But Harry you've been meaning to fix that broken tail light for weeks." Then Harry yells,"Be quiet!!!" Then the officer asks the wife,"Is you husband always this strange?" The wife answers,"Oh, yes only when he's drunk."

1 comment:

silleeg said...

You are funny Mr. Joke! Good to have you posting laughs for us again.