Tuesday, August 28, 2007

James most recent email

Sorry for not posting these in a while. Shelley gently reprimanded me today and explained that they use them in their family home evenings. So, here it is for this week.

Hello! Last week was awesome. Why? Let me share. Since going district leader, our district has never met or exceeded our district goal for a certain week. Last week, we went big and set 160 other lessons and find 26 new investigators. The district went out with faith and diligence and we taught 190 lessons and were led to 27 new investigators. That is the power of two elder companionships, one sister companionship, and the Holy Ghost! This week, we want 20 at church, and 12 in the baptismal pool. We want to take all of our key indicators and improve. Elder Tingey has lit up the mission. I am on fire too. Meaning I feel the need and I love the work! The Lord has been preparing the area for new missionaries. (This does not mean I will move. If you look at it, my area has the need of 4 elders. They would not move me, and put in 4 new ones. That would leave the area bad. I will likely have a new comp and they will white wash my lower area.) In the new missionaries area, they will take our baptismal pool. Which is awesome. How cool is that, white wash and have 2 in week b and one in week c! With MORE TO COME! The time is far spent! Lift the call to arms, the work is at hand! WHOO HOO! Brother chen was baptized on saturday. He is a man of God. He loves the scriptures and shared a wonderful scripture about trust in God. He thanked us alot. He has been touched by the Spirit of the Lord. I had an interview with President Nielson on monday. I love that man! Our friendship is one I will cherish for the eternities. Two men in the service of God. We talked about visions of our areas and of people God needs within the Church. We talked about the district and goal making. It was awesome. Not to mention my longest one. 40 min of fun and learning. Yesterday, we went to paint a members ceiling! (lots of fun) The part I want to share was, we asked my old companion Brother Zhang to help. Since his family wants him busy, not on the computer, plus only she would be home. It is against the rules for us to be there without another male. So, we met him at a street, but he had not brought his bike. So, I let him ride mine, and I ran! IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN! I have not ran so hard or long in my mission life! Yep, thank you for enjoying this experience with me. Well, I love you all, be strong! Love Elder Wei

1 comment:

silleeg said...

Thanks for posting this! He is doing so well!