Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday

We want to say Happy Birthday to all those family members who are having birthdays! Happy birthday Brad, Dad and Derrick (and if there is some birthday no one told me a about happy birthday to you too). Hope ya'll have some fun plans!


Tracy said...

Can I get a list of everyone on the Whelchels side of the family's birthdays including cousins and soon to be sister in laws?


Lewis said...

Happy birthday to everybody!!!

alwayshot said...

I would recommend you send birthdays in an email rather than posting peoples birthdays on the blog. Birthdays are great security questions and we wouldn't want to give everyone online the answer. Tracy I'll email you Jen's birthday.

alwayshot said...

Happy birthday everyone.

Tracy said...

That is what I am hoping for Layne, a list through email. Thanks I will look for Jen's date to add to my calendar.

Happy Birthday to everyone who is having a birthday and hope it was a happy and fun one!

Mom and Dad said...

Dad said he had a great birthday. We went to dinner with the Fidel's, We are enjoying Education Week and learning many new amazing things.

taryn_swims_ said...

I am sure Brad appricates it

/\/\r.Joke said...

thanks <(-.-)>!!