Monday, August 27, 2007


I ran a half marathon saturday in Park City. It was incredibly beautiful there. I had never been there before and wished I had more time to just drive around and explore. My ankle was already not in the best of shape and the uneven gravel trails weren't the best surface to be running on. I rolled it again several times. OUCH! I finished and considering the altitude and the ankle was actually pretty pleased with my time.

On the way home we stopped in Orem at a roadside produce stand. I bought two bushels of peaches and a watermelon. After returning home from work and seeing Lewis off on his return trip, I started in on them. I got one bushel done and will do the other one tomorrow as I am off from work. Most of them I am blanching to take the skins off then slicing them and putting them in freezer bags to eat later. About 1/3 of the last box will be turned into freezer jam. Yum.


Marti K said...


What is a good price for peaches? I would love to put up some peaches too, but I just don't know when to buy.


taryn_swims_ said...


Mom and Dad said...

Good for you, Tracy! Do you happen to know what kind of peaches you bought? When I was a girl living at home in Orem my mom always bought Lemon Elberta. She thought those were the best.

Tracy said...

No, I don't.....I used to pay attention to that in Pennsylvania but all I asked the guy was if they were freestone. They looked so good and were so huge, as long as they were freestone I didn't care. We got them just east of the freeway on 800 north (I think). All I know is that years ago I remember buying fruit there. That stand has been around forever!

Lewis said...

Guess I guess I'll be dining on very refreshing sliced frozen peaches. What a nice wife to make such delicacies for her husband!!! Thank you!

silleeg said...

Those look yummy! Apricots are my favorite and I have missed those at mom's the last 2 years. Bummer!