Saturday, August 18, 2007

My ankle

I think Shelley is the only one who knows I tore my hamstring about 10 days ago. That is actually doing much better. But the saga continues.

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to look at my ankle? Why, you ask? Well, for over a week or so, I have felt that it was loose so to speak, I felt that it was going to "roll". It has just felt wierd. But I wasn't having ANY pain to speak of just this wierd feeling. Well, yesterday it started to ache and so I decided to finally look at the doggone thing. Hmmmm I think it might be swollen. I go and show it to the kids, "hey look at this side, then look at this side....what do you think?" Umm they think its swollen too. At this time though you can still see my ankle bone, its just swollen enough that you can see a difference but not enough to "worry". At 6:30 I get in the car to go get Lewis from the airport and my ankle starts to "hurt" while driving. I finally stop at Moapa to get water to take some pills it hurts that much. Lo and behold....its swelling even more. Well that explains the increased discomfort. Til we got home last night, you couldn't see my ankle bone anymore. I am sure the discomfort is a result of the swelling but I cannot figure out what the swelling is from. Julieann (a running friend of mine) thinks its due to standing on my feet at WalMart and NOT wearing good shoes. (I've been wearing a cheap $5 pair of white sneakers). She said she thinks its the "tendons". Anyway, this morning it has gone down some but not all the way. I took an Aleve and taped it up for support and am working in my running shoes today. I have a full schedule today 9-5 so it will be interesting to see how it does.

I am frustrated with all of these physical set backs. If its not one thing its another. I am going on 49 and all of a sudden I feel every year. Sigh!!


silleeg said...

I hope it gets better soon. Is it sprained?

Marti K said...

Oh, Tracy that sounds terrible. How does a bad ankle affect your job at Red Mountain?

Tracy said...

I don't know.....I taped it up pretty good today for work as I had to work 7 hours. It didn't swell anymore than it was while at work which I think was a good thing. I can stand/walk/run on it. I don't have any pain mechanically. It seems to be more of a "soft" tissue thing. I didn't DO anything, not sure why its swelling or what caused/is causing it to swell. I am going to purchase an ankle compression bandage and just wear it for awhile. I have a bike ride (12 miles) scheduled with Red Mtn on Wednesday and then a hike Friday morning. Then Saturday morning I have a half marathon in Park City. I am going to run it but as a training run not to break any personal times. We shall see.