Thursday, August 02, 2007

Red Mountain Spa called

Yes, they offered me a job!! Wooo hooooooo!! I have my orientation next Wednesday at 3:30pm (with Stephen, I believe) and will fill out all the proper paperwork at that time. Then they will try to put me in on the schedule to start my training. I also have to have first aid and cpr training. I don't know how this is going to work out just yet with WalMart but I will trust that it all will.


Lewis said...

Hurray! Now you've gone from no jobs to too many jobs!! I can't believe're going to get paid to go hiking!!! Congrats!

Mom and Dad said...

Good for you, Tracy!

alwayshot said...

That is awesome Tracy, I'll give you the address of where to send your Red Mountain Spa paychecks. Don't worry, you can keep the Wal-Mart Checks. ;) I am not greedy:)

Stefley said...

That is so cool Tracy! What will your job at Red Mountain be? Congrats!!

Tracy said...

I am going to be a hiking/cycling/kayaking guide. The hiking and cycling I think I can handle, I just need to learn their trails. The kayaking I have never done before but they assure me they will teach me.

Layne, I'll send you my Red Mtn paychecks if you send me yours. Trade seems better than charity!! Lol

alwayshot said...

No!!! lol ;)