Thursday, August 16, 2007


Should we get a casket ready for the blog??? It appears to be dead.  I was expecting a lot of posting and chatting to take place one people got back from the reunion but I was sorely mistaken.  Oh well, I guess peoples lives have to go on at some point.  So Jen found the PERFECT ring the other day and after going back several times just to make sure it was the one we bought it and we get it next Tuesday or Wednesday, YEAH!!!!  Now I can finally propose. ;)  It will be very nice to be officially engaged!  We will send out a picture of her and her ring once we get it on her finger.


Tracy said...

I am grieving also. I too, thought the same thing. I figured your parents, Leslee, Shelley and Rebecca would all wow us with tales and pictures but NADA. Huge disappointment. I've stopped checking it so often as noone comes or posts anymore.

silleeg said...

OH Yeah!! That is so exciting! Congratulations, Jen for finding a ring you love!

Stefley said...

You guys are just forgetting that this much activity is normal. You got used to having one or two weeks packed with posting, this is normal!!

YAY! I'm excited to see the ring! How big is the diamond??

Lewis said...

Congratulations on the ring...quite a momentous occasion, I'd say. How about propose on a webcam and we'll all watch! j/k

Tracy said...

I third the motion of a webcam proposal (martissa beat me to seconding it).