Friday, August 17, 2007

Rebecca's Tonsilectomy

I was going to try to be clever and post before and after pictures, here in SLO, but Rebecca is much too miserable to be silly. She had her tonsils out this morning. She is in a lot of pain and is not allowed to eat anything, except popsicles, sherbet, smoothies right now. In a day or two she can add pasta, plain, scrambled eggs, and mashed potatoes, the instant kind, and that is it for two weeks. She isn't supposed to lift anything heavier than 5 pounds lol, ask any mom if that will work. I have to leave on Sunday, so hopefully she will be feeling a whole lot better. She is a trooper, but it hurts.


taryn_swims_ said...

Did it hurt? I almost got mine pulled out!!

Marti K said...

I'm so sorry Rebec! But I'm glad you got them out. I hope you have a miraculously fast recovery. Our all nighter is now ending at 10:45 pm. vallen and I are the only ones left standing.

Lewis said...

Oh Rebecca!!! Only allowed to eat sherbet? How about Wildberry Sorbet? Good luck!!!

Hi mom.

Tracy said...

Yuck, I hope you get to feeling better quickly and are your happy smiling self again. So glad you could be there for her Jan.