Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back into Shcool

We are back in school now. Brad is in 6 and I am in 5.( just telling you if you didn't know). Brad has Mrs. Harman, and I have Mr. Lopez.We are so happy to be in school now.

Brad has six different classes, they are: Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, and Spanish. I forgot the other class. There is now new boy teacher (Mr Lambert). I am not joking. Mr. Lopez used to be the only boy teacher at our school.


Stefley said...

I deleted your other posts Taryn so there would only be 1 post about going back to school. Hope that is ok with you!

alwayshot said...
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alwayshot said...

Hey Taryn, I was wondering if you just played year round or if you actually went to school, so I guess you cleared that up for me. ;) When are you out of school for Christmas? Are you coming to my wedding?

Tracy said...

Jon and Caitlin and the Lambert cousins all start back tomorrow. My kids are excited as it will be their first real opportunity to make some friends.

taryn_swims_ said...

k thanks stef. I didn't see that!

taryn_swims_ said...
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